Geography of the united kingdom 1 638

History of the United Kingdom (Vargas, Mariño, Kling, Omarini)

  • 2500 BCE

    Foundation of Stonehenge

    Foundation of Stonehenge
    The Bearkers are thought to have made the foundations of Stonehenge
  • 500 BCE

    Foundation of the Britonic, Pictish and Gaelic people

    Foundation of the Britonic, Pictish and Gaelic people
    Brittonic, Pictish, and Gaelic people arrived to the Island from the continent
  • 43

    Romans conquered England and Wales

    Romans conquered England and Wales
    It was under Claudius rule that Britannia was incorporated to the Empire
  • 410

    The Great Migration of Germanic Tribes

    The Great Migration of Germanic Tribes
    The Jutes, Angles, and Saxons migrated to the Island, pushing natives tribes to Wales, Britanny, Strathclyde, and Dumnonia. Scotland eventually evolved into 4 kingdoms.
  • 477


    The Angles and Saxons formed 7 Kingdoms:
    Wessex, Sussex, Kent, Essex, East Anglia, Murcia and Northumbria
  • 750

    Cornwall falled under the control of Wessex

    Cornwall falled under the control of Wessex
    Nevertheless, they kept their own culture
  • 800

    Vikings invations throughout the 9th century

    Vikings invations throughout the 9th century
    Dublin was founded by them in 841 CE
  • 838

    Wales was separated into small kingdoms

    Wales was separated into small kingdoms
  • 1016

    England under Danish control

    England under Danish control
    Knut the Great conquered England and founded a short-lived dynasty
  • 1055

    Wales turned into an unified kingdom

    Wales turned into an unified kingdom
    This was under the ruling of Llewellyn
  • 1066

    Harold Godwinson's defeat

    Harold Godwinson's defeat
    Harald Hardrada won the battle, but was later defeated by William of Normandy in the Battle of the Stamford Bridge
  • 1073

    Kingdom of Albergue grew strong

    Kingdom of Albergue grew strong
    Vikings had landed on Anglosaxon territory.
  • 1076

    Norman dynasty invaded South Wales and parts of Ireland

    Norman dynasty invaded South Wales and parts of Ireland
  • 1154

    Angevin Empire was created

    Angevin Empire was created
    It was a period in which Angevin Kings held lands in England and France
  • 1216

    Magna Carta was signed

    Magna Carta was signed
    It was an unsuccessful attempt to achieve peace between royalist and rebel factions
  • 1284

    Edward I conquered Wales

    Edward I conquered Wales
  • 1297

    Edward I conquered part of Scotland

    Edward I conquered part of Scotland
  • 1314

    Scottish independence was secured

    Scottish independence was secured
  • 1337

    Edward III started the 100 years war

    Edward III started the 100 years war
  • 1428

    Joan of Arc

    Joan of Arc
    She lifted the French spirit and turned the tide of the war. The French won the war
  • 1455

    War of the Roses

    War of the Roses
    This war was fought between the House of York and the House of Lancaster
  • 1509

    Henry VIII created the church of England

    Henry VIII created the church of England
  • 1535

    Wales representation in parlament

    Wales representation in parlament
  • 1542

    Creation of the Kingdom of Ireland

    Creation of the Kingdom of Ireland
  • British victory over the Spanish naval invasion.

    British victory over the Spanish naval invasion.
    Sir Francis Drake tried to invade Spain
  • Mary Queen of Scots was executed

    Mary Queen of Scots was executed
    She was beheaded for treason
  • James VI of Scotland/James I of England was elected king of England

    James VI of Scotland/James I of England was elected king of England
    he was the first monarch to rule the entire island of Great Britain
  • Jamestown was established

    Jamestown was established
    It later evolved into the 13 colonies
  • English civil war

    English civil war
  • Parlamentarians won the war

    Parlamentarians won the war
    the monarchy came back under Charles II
  • Tea was introduced to the island

    Tea was introduced to the island
  • A catholic was king under a protestant kingdom

    A catholic was king under a protestant kingdom
  • Glorious revolution

    Glorious revolution
    Jacob II was deposed
  • Massacre of Glencoe

    Massacre of Glencoe
  • Union between England and Scotland

    Union between England and Scotland
    This formed the United Kingdom of Great Britain
  • House of Stuart's ruled ended and George I became King

    House of Stuart's ruled ended and George I became King
  • Victory on the war of the Spanish Succession

    Victory on the war of the Spanish Succession
    The Seven Years War resulted in more territory in North America
  • Industrial Revolution started

    Industrial Revolution started
  • Heavy taxes on the 13 colonies

    Heavy taxes on the 13 colonies
    East India Company operated had a sizable amount of territory
  • Captain James Cook arrived at New Zealand and Australia

    Captain James Cook arrived at New Zealand and Australia
  • American war of independence

    American war of independence
    With help of France and Spain, the Americans were victorious
  • Britain claimed Australia and New Zealand

    Britain claimed Australia and New Zealand
    It would be used as their new penal colony and it was known as New South Wales
  • Napoleonic Wars

    Napoleonic Wars
  • Napoleon was finally defeated

    Napoleon was finally defeated
  • Slavery was abolished

    Slavery was abolished
    This was due to changes in economic interests, a parliamentary reform and to abolition campaigns, and religious groups
  • Great Famine

    Great Famine
    Was caused by a failure of the potato crop, which many people relied on for most of their nutrition.
  • First Indian Revolt

    First Indian Revolt
    Failed due to a lack of unity between Indians
  • British India

    British India
    Queen Victoria was declared Empress of India
  • Scramble for africa

    Scramble for africa
    The Berlin Conference divided Africa between European powers. The British Empire got Egypt, Zanzibar, Nigeria, etc...
  • First World War/Great War

    First World War/Great War
  • Territorial height of the British Empire

    Territorial height of the British Empire
  • Ireland managed to gain independence

    Ireland managed to gain independence
  • World War II

    World War II
  • Winston Churchill became Prime Minister

    Winston Churchill became Prime Minister
  • India gained independence

    India gained independence
  • The Republic of Ireland ended their British Commonwealth Membership

    The  Republic of Ireland ended their British Commonwealth Membership
  • British Empire ended with Honk Kong,

    British Empire ended with Honk Kong,
    It was handed to China
  • Small economic recession

    Small economic recession
  • Referendum

    51.9% of voters were in favor of leaving the EU