History of the Telephone

By Amazi
  • Electric Telegraph

    Samuel Morse develops the electric telegraph, a precursor to the telephone.
    Citation: Standage, Tom. "The Victorian Internet." 1998.
  • Period: to

    Early Invention

    The Early Inventions of the Telephone.
  • Bell Patents the Telephone

    Alexander Graham Bell receives the first patent for the telephone and makes his first successful call.
    Citation: Bellis, Mary. "The Invention of the Telephone." ThoughtCo, 2019.
  • 1st Commercial Service

    Bell’s company launches telephone service in Boston.
    Citation: Bruce, Robert V. "Bell: Alexander Graham Bell and the Conquest of Solitude." 2002.
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    Commercialization and Expansion

    When the Telephone is commercialized and expanded upon.
  • Automated Switchboard

    The invention of the automated switchboard expands telephone networks.
    Citation: Headrick, Daniel R. "The Tentacles of Progress." 1993.
  • Period: to

    Technological Adavncements

    The beginning of smartphones to now.
  • Transatlantic Call

    The first telephone call is made between New York and London.
    Citation: Dutton, William H. "The Internet and the Telephone." 1999.
  • Smartphones & VoIP

    Smartphones and VoIP revolutionize communication by integrating voice and data.
    Citation: West, Darrell M. "The Future of Work." 2018.