Jose Marti,the rebel leader
Horrible treatment of the Cubans caused several riots and cahos in Cuba. Lead by Jose Marti, Several Cubans fled to America toget weapons and supplies. the also pleaded for American help. -
Willam McKinley becomes the 25th president of the United States. He hoped for a peaceful settlement with Cuba -
U.S.S Maine explosion
Rising buissnes intrests in Cuba cause many buissnes offices to sprout up in Cuba. President McKinley sends The U.S.S Maine to make sure the spanish do not mistreat the american citizens. the Maine explodes, killing many soilders and sailors while docking in a Cuban port. many Americans blqame the spanish -
Yellow Journilism
yellow journilsm started when U.S. declared war on Spain and Cuba. Newspaper reporter William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer competed for readers in New York by exxagerating storys and making things up. -
Roosevelts Fleet
Theodore Rosevelt sends commodore George Dewey and several american ships to intercept a Spainish fleet heading to Cuba. Then he Resighs and heads West. comm.Dewey destroys most of the Spanish Ships and captures there commander. -
Rough Riders
Roosevelt leaves the Navy after sending Dewey to stop the Spanish. He gathers some old friends and foes and they join to make the Rough Riders. they came ashore to Cuba . along with the ninth and tenth calvary, the Rough Riders charged San Juan hill and conqered it . During the battle Roosevelt was shot in the glasses .his glasses broke but he had a spare! -
Treaty of Paris
The Treaty of Paris Marked the end of the Spanish American war.
Spain gave up Cuba,Guam,Puerto Rico,and most of there Eastern Empire. America also Buys the Phillipines for 20$ million -
"Splendid little war"
The war is over. It lasted fewer than four months. Over 400 Americans were killed in battle and 2,000 died of diesease. America gave Cuba its freedom. John Hay calls it a "splinded little war'.