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History of the radio

  • Clerk Maxwell published a theory about electromagnets

    Clerk Maxwell published a theory about electromagnets
    Clerk Maxwell published a theory about how electromagnetic currents could be perceived at a distance. He also described how they would travel at the speed of light.
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    Heinrich Hertz tested Maxwell's theory on electromagnets

    A German physicist named Heinrich Hertz tested out Maxwell's theory and proved that yes his theory was correct about how they could travel at far distances and about how they could travel at the speed of light.
  • The first wireless radio was created

    The first wireless radio was created
    The first wireless radio was given credit to Guglielmo Marconi even though Nikolai Tesla was the one that thought of the radio idea in the first place.
  • Marconi started broadcasting things in his own backyard

    Marconi started doing broadcasts in his backyard however they were not able to leave his backyard so he continued to work.
  • The first radio signal was sent across the Atlantic ocean

    The first radio signal was sent across the Atlantic ocean
    The first signal was sent across the Atlantic Ocean from Europe to America. Around this time and around the whole history of the radio other people like Ernst Alexanderson, Reginald Fessenden, and Edwin Armstrong all helped advance the radio into the 20th century and beyond.
  • Marconi was awarded the Nobel Prize

    Marconi was awarded the Nobel Prize
    Guglielmo Marconi was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for his radio work.
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    Radios were used for military use

    Radios were used for military purposes like to contact ships that were deployed at sea. However, talking through them wasn't very clear so they used Morse code in order to know what the people o the other end wanted to say. This is also the time when people started buying private radios.
  • Radios grow in popularity

    Radios grow in popularity
    At this time in history radios were growing in popularity fast by now almost every family had at least one radio in their house.
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    Radios give inspiration

    During this time the radios became really important not only for military but for civilians as well. By this time radio stations were playing music on the radio too so the civilians were able to feel uplifted because of the music.