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Historia de Filipinas

  • 4000 BCE

    austronesian people arrive

  • Period: 4000 BCE to Nov 18, 1564

    precolonial epoch

    before spanish colonization
  • 1000 BCE

    igorot settles to the land

    confirmed by a video, igorot tribe are called igorot society
  • 800

    tondo is formed

    the kingdom of tondo is formed
  • 871

    ma-i is formed

    probably by china
  • 1000

    tondo expands

    tondo expands from car region
  • 1387

    bruneian invasion

    bruniean empire declares war on tondo
  • Mar 1, 1521

    spaniards arrive in limasawa

    ferdinand malegenes went to limasawa to introduce christianity
  • Apr 27, 1521

    battle of mactan

    a fierce clash fought in the archipelago of the Philippines on April 27, 1521. The warriors of Lapulapu, one of the Datus of Mactan, overpowered and defeated a Spanish force fighting for Rajah Humabon of Cebu under the command of Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan, who was killed in the battle. The outcome of the battle resulted in the departure of the Spanish crew from the archipelago of the Philippines.
  • Nov 19, 1564

    philipp ii conquest

    King Philip II of Spain, whose name has remained attached to the islands, ordered and oversaw the conquest and colonization of the Philippines.
  • Period: Nov 19, 1564 to

    españa rule

  • 1578

    sulu is formed as a Sovreign state

    reference from wikipedia
  • dutch people invade philippines

    There were three naval actions fought between Dutch corsairs and Spanish forces in 1610, 1617 and 1624, known as the First, Second and Third Battles of Playa Honda. The second battle is the most famous and celebrated of the three, with nearly even forces (10 ships vs 10 ships), resulting in the Dutch losing their flagship and retreating. Only the third battle of 1624 resulted in a Dutch naval victory.
  • occupation of manila from britain

    during the 7 years' war
  • britain ends the occupation

    reference from wikipedia
  • andres bonifacio is born

    father of the revolution
  • Period: to

    american rule

  • spanish american war

    american victory
  • jose rizal dies

    cuz of nole me tangere
  • philippine japanese campaign

    usa joins ww2
  • end of ww2

    japan surrenders
  • independence of the philippines

    philippines becomes independent
  • martial law of the philippines

    ferdinand marcos
  • end of the martial law

  • the edsa revolution

    from marcos
  • 2001 edsa revolution

    joseph estrada
  • typhoon yolanda, strongest typhoon in the philippines forms

  • siege of marawi

    was a five-month-long armed conflict in Marawi, Philippines, that started on May 23, 2017, between Philippine government security forces and militants affiliated with the Islamic State (IS), including the Maute and Abu Sayyaf Salafi jihadist groups.[51] The battle also became the longest urban battle in the modern history of the Philippines.[37]