Classic Model: First Generation
First Generation The first generation iPod of the classic model, was released by Apple on October, 23, 2001. This generation, is capable of storing up to 1,000 songs. The connection that this model uses is called FireWire. This generation is only compatable with Mac systems. -
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iPod Models: Classic leading to Touch
iPods, are portable electronic devices used for playing and storing digital audio and video files. Now, iPods can also function as a camera, app downloader, and can be used to access the internet. iPods have gone through many changes and have appeared in different forms between the years of 2001 through 2012. This timeline specifically focusses on comparing the very first model, "classic," and the newest model, "touch." -
Classic Model: Second Generation
The second generation of the classic model came out on July 17, 2002. This generation is able to last up to 10 hours of battery life. Like the first generation, FireWire is used for connection. In this years production, this iPod is compatable with both Mac and Windows systems. -
Classic Model: Third Generation
The third generation model came out on April 28, 2003. This generation was the first complete redesign with all-touch interface. The battery life of this device lasts up to 8 hours, partially due to the use of a lithium-ion battery as opposed to a lithium polymer battery.This iPod is compatable with both Mac and Windows systems. -
Classic Model: Fourth Generation
The fourth generation came out on July 19, 2004. This generation made some changes. The fourth generation iPod replaced the touch wheel from the third generation iPod with the click wheel from the iPod mini, The rated battery life for this device is 12-15 hours, 2-5 more hours than the previous version. This version is capatable with both Mac and Windows systems. Another big change with this device is that connection is now possible with USB as well as FireWire. -
Classic Model: Fifth Generation
Fifth Generation The fifth generation classic model, came out on October 12, 2005. This is the generation where iPod's were now turning completely to USB for connection. FireWire is now only used for charging. The fifth generation is compatable with both Mac and Windows systems. Battery life has been updated to up to 20 hours. In physical apprearance, generation five, was redesigned with a slimmer case as well as a large screen and video. -
Touch Model: First Generation
The first generation of the touch iPod, came out on September 5, 2007. Touches, are the newest versions of the iPod devices. This iPod offers Wi-fi and a multi-touch interface. Generation one also offers wireless access to iTunes for purchasing music. USB is still the main connection used. FireWire is still used for charging only too. Generation one is compatable with Mac and Windows systems. Battery life is expected to last up to 22 hours. -
Classic Model: Generation Sixth
The sixth and final generation of the classic model iPod, came out on September 7, 2007. This generation has a batter life of 40 hours, which is a big increase from the first generation's 10 hour battery life. Again, like the fifth generation, USB is used for connection. FireWire is still used for charging only. Generation sixth is compatable with both Mac and Windows systems. A new interface and anodized aluminum front plate were changes made since the fifth generation. -
Touch Model: Second Generation
Second Generation The second generation of iPod touch, came out on September 9, 2008. This is the generation where FireWire is no longer used for charging purposes or connection, only USB is used. Generation two, is compatable with Mac and Windows systems. Battery life for this device, increased to 36 hours, 14 more hours than the first generation. Other changes include a new chrome back, volume buttons, bluetooth, and built-in speakers. -
Touch Model: Third Generation
The third generation of iPod touch, came out on September 9, 2009. This generation kept the same look as the second generation but included a couple of technology changes such as upgrading internals of the device, including voice control support, and bundled remore earphones. Like the second generation, USB is used for connection and the device is compatable with both Mac and Windows systems. One downfall, is that the battery life dropped from 36 hours to 30 hours. -
Touch Model: Fourth Generation
The fourth generation of iPod touch, came out on September 9, 2010. This particular design includes two cameras, one for facetime and one for HD video recording. The hold button on the device also moved to the top right corner of the iPod. Like the previous two versions, USB is used for connection. This device is compatable with Mac and Windows systems. Battery life increased by 10 hours since the previous version, landing this device a total of 40 hours of life. -
Touch Model: Fifth Generation
Fifth GenerationThe fifth generation of iPod touch, came out on September 12, 2012. The fifth generation is the most recent touch Ipod. Since the fourth generation, the screen of the iPod touch has changed to a longer touch screen/display. Battery life of this device continues to stay at 40 hours. The fifth generation iPod connects with USB like the previous generations. This iPod is compatable with both Mac and Windows systems. Cameras were also improved.