Notizie scritte
The city of Venice first printed these notices as a way to circulate news about the military, government and economy to its citizens. The publication cost one gazette, which was a small coin. The Notizie Scritte was handwritten and usually not accessible to all citizens. -
Town Criers
From the early 1500s to the mid 1800s people received the majority of their official news and announcements through a town crier. Residents of the town would "post a notice" which the the the town crier would then announce to the entire town. They would ring a bell and loudly announce the given information. -
Publick Occurrences Both Forreign and Domestick
Publick Occurrences Both Forreign and Domestick was the first full circulation newspaper printed in North America. It was started by Benjamin Harris and was published monthly. -
Harpers and The Atlantic
Harpers and The Atlantic were the first two published magazines to address cultural occurrences. They announced news, featured up and coming literature and eventually, would focus on things like art, music and fashion as well. -
Aaron Montgomery Ward
Aaron Montgomery Ward is known as the grandfather of direct mail marketing, also known as junk mail. Soon after Ward sent out his first "catalog", Richard Warren Sears began his Sears catalog which was a prevalent marketing tool for years to come and revolutionized the idea of mass marketing. -
KDKA in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
KDKA in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania was the first public radio station to be license in the united states. After radio was invented, people could listen to news, music and radio broadcast shows from the comfort of their own homes. -
Cable television
With the rise of cable television, many other entertainment businesses suffered. Many people stopped visiting the movie theater, dramatic theatre and listening to the radio because of the ease of access and more engaging media that television offered. This also allowed marketers to use video advertising for the first time. -
In the 1970's telemarketing became more prevalent as telephones switched from primarily switchboards to computer run systems. Women were primarily in demand to work as telemarketers because their voices were considered to be better suited and they were believed to be more polite. -
Creation of youtube
On February 15, 2005 youtube was launched. The availability of video content and the ability for users to create and post their own content changed the online media game irrevocably. Later, youtube would go on to use adds to generate revenue, changing the advertising game as well. -
Debut of the iPhone
The debut of the iPhone marked the arrival of smartphones to the tech market and opened a new frontier of advertising. Companies could now reach customers on their mobile devices through ads on apps, online and through targeted mobile advertising campaigns.