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History of the Internet Through The Years By: Rebecca Kanter

By Kanterr
  • 1450

    Mechanical Type Writer

    Mechanical Type Writer
    The Printing Press was a big deal during this time created by Johannes Gutenberg. The bible was his masterpiece.
  • First Programmable Computer

    First Programmable Computer
    A Man named Babbage came up with an idea: a computer that could understand commands and could be programmed much like a modern-day computer or Analytical Engine
    The first complete Babbage Engine was completed in London in 2002, 153 years after it was designed. Difference Engine No. 2, built faithfully to the original drawings, consists of 8,000 parts, weighs five tons, and measures 11 feet long.
  • Universal Decimal System

    Universal Decimal System
    Two men named Octet and LaFontaine created the decimal system to share information to everyone throughout the world. [(]
  • Arpanet

    The first network of computers and was set up in universities and a research center in Stanford. Arpanet was mainly used for research.
    Arpanet stands for Advanced Research Projects Agency Network
  • The First Email

    The First Email
    A man named Ray Tomlinson sent the first email and the symbol @ which we all know would be born and used.
    This symbol is still used today to locate sites.
  • IBM Desk Computer

    IBM Desk Computer
    Even though technology evolved through the years this desk computer was invented, I asked my parents about this and they remember using and having this. I believe in the late 90's I even had it when I took a computer course in grade school.
  • Online Gaming

    Online Gaming
    Maze War a game that has been around for a long time but, on the web it was created in a new version on Arpanet.
    Maze War, the First Networked 3D Multi-User First Person Shooter Game.
  • Original Apple

    Original Apple
    Two men Jobs and Wozniak created this popular computer that we all know and love today and now in the 21st century this computer evolved to larger computers, touch screen , using stylists . Adults and teens are using I Pads that were later invented and now evolved with updates and now every year a new version is being brought in the world,
  • Spam Email

    Spam Email
    Spam became the first bad email sent over the web through Arpanet.
    I know from experience never open up spam or junk emails because viruses could be attached to them.
  • AOL Mail

    AOL Mail
    AOL one of the popular ways Children and Teens communicated with each other before we had myspace, Facebook and Instagram.
    If you watch this short clip it will bring back memories to some or even parents. I remember using this application and waiting to be able to use it after my parents made phones calls.
  • World Wide Web

    World Wide Web
    A man named Tim Berner Lee created technologies that formed the internet today. The World Wide Web (WWW) a collection of documents called hypertext with hyperlinks which we are using in our class now. [(]
  • Match

    When the Covid Virus hit the world back in 2020 it was hard for people to go out and socialize and even say date. I remember how hard it was. I decided to try this dating app and never knew till now that it has been around for years. I did use this app and I found a person I am in a relationship now.
  • Blackboard

    This site was used for educational purposes for learning and teaching. I was amazed that Blackboard was out for so long . I did not start using this until I went back to school in Fall 2020 when I took online courses and are still taking all my courses online.
    Stockton uses blackboard for online courses and for communication.
  • Pop Ups

    Pop Ups
    Feature on Java to allow online users to create advertisements on websites .
  • Google

  • Wikipedia

    This website was a way to get information if you did not know something , Schools though really do not want students to use this site because it is not always factual information.
  • YouTube

    This is a popular online application used to watch clips , How to videos and now you can even watch tv and its called You Tube TV.
    YouTube is also a social media application where people can watch music videos and stream media.
    Here is a YouTube channel I enjoy
  • Twitter

    A popular social media platform used today . It is another way to keep up with information and I used this for my tech class back in 2020. It is a great social media application to connect with people, tweet something you want to say and just like face book and the television people can keep up on even the news.
  • Spotify

    A popular application for music and also used to host podcasts and talk about what is going on in the world.
    A popular person that adults might remember is Joe Rogan from fear factor who has his own podcast on Spotify.
  • Icloud

    A way to store information from apple I Phones and I pads which will keep memories saved and not lost.