History of the internet since 2017

  • Snapchat

    Begins trading with the Stock Market (which means its a pretty profitable company)
  • Virtual Reality

    3-D videos became super popular in video games as well as on social media
  • TikTok merges with Musical.ly

    Every musical.ly user transfers over to TikTok. This is a huge rise in users worldwide.
  • Instagram

    Introduces IGTV app for long-span videos. Competes with Youtube.
    IGTV videos are everywhere in todays world because people can share content longer that a few minutes. This is great for stories or podcasters that also want a video version of their show.
  • Trump Bans TikTok Transactions

    "In the most significant escalation of tensions between the U.S. government and TikTok, Trump signs an executive order banning “transactions” with ByteDance in 45 days, or on September 20." Cite: https://techcrunch.com/2020/11/26/tiktok-timeline/
  • COVID 19

    I think that it's super important to to note that once people couldn't connect in person due to a pandemic, many turned to social media sites to connect with the world and frankly use up time. This was a crucial point in time for the rise of social media and the internet.
  • Yahoo

    Shuts down Yahoo answers due to "lack of interest" and lack of use. Google is taking over. When is the last time you naturally went to yahoo before google? Literally never.