Michael Aldrich
In 1979 Michael Aldrich invents online shopping which forever changes the way business will be done.
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First B2B Online Transaction
Thomson Holidays submitted the first ever B2B electronic transaction using online technology. Thomson Holidays was a UK based travel operator that used online technology to help users book travel and pay.
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First Online Home Customer
Jane Snowball, at age 72, was the first ever online shopper from home. Link text -
The World Wide Web
Tim Berners-Lee wrote the first web browser, creating the World Wide Web. Link text -
The Creation of Facebook
Facebook begins as a college website called Facemash, which lets students rate whether or not other students on campus were good looking. Link text -
Google Expanding!
Google buys Youtube, which we all know now as one of, if not the biggest website on the internet. Link text -
Broadband Growth!
US Broadband users reached 200 million, which aided in e-commerce success for small and large companies. -
Not So Small Anymore
2010 is expected to reach $173 billion in e-commerce sales, an increase of 7 percent over 2009. Link text -
Projection 1
Online sales in the US are expected to reach $523 billion by 2020, up 56% from $335 billion in 2015. Link text -
Projection 2
The growth of all retail sales in the US is expected to grow 2.2% per year fromLink text -
Projection 3
E-Marketers project that by 2020, online sales will make up to 14.6% of all retail spending that year! Link text -
Projection 4
The bulk of retail ecommerce will come from China is projected to represent almost half (47.0%) of all such sales worldwide by 2020. Link text