History of Computing and technology

  • Ada Lovelace is born

    Ada Lovelace is born
    Ada Lovelace became famous for helping Charles Babbage with his Analytical machine (a very early version of what would become a computer) She began helping Charles and then added her own notes which would be the first ever written algorithm. It contained lots of code and she gave descriptions of how computers can't think of their own and what computers will be able to do in the future. She is credited for being the first ever computer programmer. The computer language Ada is named after her.
  • The analytical engine begins it's construction

    The analytical engine begins it's construction
    Charles Babbage envisioned a machine that would be able to calculate any number presented to it. It would run by steam and be operated by one person. Although Charles never finished the machine himself (He died in 1871). It is considered to be the first computer.
  • Worlds first coal electrical station is established

    Worlds first coal electrical station is established
    Thomas Edison opened a coal power station in London which led to lit street lights across a small area. Electricity would later become vital in the development of computers and programming.
  • Herman Hollerith designs the tabulating machine

    Herman Hollerith designs the tabulating machine
    Herman Hollerith designs a punch card system that would calculate the 1890 census in the U.S. He helped founding the company that would eventually become the IBM (International Business Machines Corporation)
  • Grace Hopper is born

    Grace Hopper is born
    Grace hopper was a U.S naval officer and mathematician. She designed one of the first compliers which translates a programmers instruction to code that the computer understands. She coined the word complier and the term "Bug". She used this word to describe malfunctioning, in reality there was actually a moth stuck in the precursor to the electrical computer which she was working on. She wrote the first computer manual and described how to program a computer.
  • The colossus (First electrical programmable computer)

    The colossus (First electrical programmable computer)
    The colossus had the purpose to decipher the encrypted messages between Nazi officers during WW2. This was the first digital, programmable and electronic computer. Even though it only was used in the end of the war it helped the allied forces significantly with the decryption of secret messages
  • The ENIAC is completed

    The ENIAC is completed
    ENIAC stands for Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer. It was the first electrical computer which could be used for general purposes like solving match problems. The construction started in 1943 and took 3 years to finish. The computer occupied 167 square meters and weighed over 30 tons.
  • The computer chip is invented

    The computer chip is invented
    Jack Kilby and Robert Noyce unveil the integrated circuit, known as the computer chip. Kilby was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2000 for his work.
  • First personal computer

    First personal computer
    The Altair 8800 was the first commercial PC. It was developed by Henry Edward Roberts. It's said that Bill gates was inspired by Roberts. It was expensive at the time and was mostly used by companies rather than being a computer for home and all purpose.
  • Microsoft is founded

    Microsoft is founded
    Microsoft is founded by Bill Gates and Paul Allen. Microsoft is short for MicroComputer Software Their main idea was to sell BASIC interpertators for the Altair 8800 PC. It later developed and later grew into the largest computerware company. They also developed the X-box in 2001. Their operating system Windows is one of the most used in the world.