History of the Internet

  • First Video Camera

    First Video Camera
    Employees of Thomas Edison invented the first video camera, it was called the kinetograph
  • J.C.R Licklider comes up with an idea for a global computer network

    J.C.R Licklider comes up with an idea for a global computer network
    In 1962, J.C.R Licklider, an MIT computer scientist comes up with an idea for a global computer network that a couple years later would soon happen.

    After 7 years and talking to colleagues, the plan is created by Lawrence G Roberts his plan finally came together in 1969 as ARPANET
  • First Internet Address Registry Created

    First Internet Address Registry Created
    Jon Postel created the first internet address registry at Information Science Institue. This was the beginning of the future when it came to IP Addresses.
  • Microsoft is Invented

    Microsoft is Invented
    Bill gates and Paul Allen found Microsoft in Albuquerque, NM
  • First handheld cell phone comes out

    First handheld cell phone comes out
    The Motorola DynaTAC 8000x was the first mobile phone to come out that was not a landline phone.
  • Fist Macintosh Computer

    Fist Macintosh Computer
    Apple released the first Macintosh computer the selling price was around 2,500.
  • AOL Comes out

    AOL Comes out
    Aol comes out in 1985, but it is not until 1989 it is used for instant messaging people.
  • First Search Engine Comes Out

    First Search Engine Comes Out
    The search Engine was called Archie, it helped people navigate through the files on the computer.
  • World Wide Web Becomes Public

    World Wide Web Becomes Public
    CERN put the world wide web software public for everyone to have acess too. This was in the works since 1989 by Tim Berners- Lee
  • Amazon comes out as a bookseller

    Amazon comes out as a bookseller
    In July of 1995 Amazon comes out as a bookseller business, it was just the beginning.
  • Wifi

    Wifi comes out in homes for all the devices that would need it.
  • DVD Players Released

    DVD Players Released
    DVD players were first released in the United States in 1997.
  • Myspace Created

    Myspace Created
    This was the first social network globally.
    ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P2Z7go11GNE&t=7s )
  • First Smart Watch

    First Smart Watch
    Microsoft SPOT was one of the first smart watches to come out in 2004. This gave people the acess to the news, weather, etc.. All on you wrist.
  • Hulu Launches

    Hulu Launches
    The streaming services Hulu launched in 2007.
  • Amazon Alexa Launches

    Amazon Alexa Launches
    Amazon comes out with the Amazon Alexa.
    ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CYtb8RRj5r4 )
  • TikTok Comes Out

    TikTok Comes Out
    TikTok was launched by Chinese technology company ByteDance.
    ( https://brandastic.com/blog/what-is-tiktok-and-why-is-it-so-popular/)
  • Disney Plus Launched

    Disney Plus Launched
    Streaming service for Disney comes out in 2019.
    ( https://www.nexttv.com/news/disney-plus)