
History of the Internet

  • ARPANET's First Message

    ARPANET's First Message
    ARPANET, the precursor to the internet, sends its first message between UCLA and Stanford. ARPANET Diagram (image)
  • First Email Sent

    First Email Sent
    Ray Tomlinson sends the first email using the @ symbol. Ray Tomlinson
  • Transition to TCP/IP

    Transition to TCP/IP
    ARPANET adopts the TCP/IP protocol, setting the standard for future internet communication. TCP/IP Stack
  • Domain Name System (DNS) Introduced

    Domain Name System (DNS) Introduced
    DNS is established, making it easier to navigate the internet with domain names. What is DNS? (article)
  • Proposal for the World Wide Web

    Proposal for the World Wide Web
    Tim Berners-Lee proposes the World Wide Web while working at CERN. Tim Berners-Lee
  • The First Web Page

    The First Web Page
    The first web page is created at CERN. First Web Page
  • Mosaic Browser Released

    Mosaic Browser Released
    Mosaic, the first widely used web browser, is released. Mosaic Browser
  • Yahoo! Founded

    Yahoo! Founded
    Yahoo! becomes one of the first popular web directories. Yahoo OG interface
  • Commercialization of the Internet

    Commercialization of the Internet
    The internet becomes fully commercial with the end of NSFNET's acceptable use policy. Rapid Rise of the Internet
  • Google Launches

    Google Launches
    Google is founded, revolutionizing internet search. Google 1998
  • Wikipedia Launched

    Wikipedia Launched
    Wikipedia is launched, providing free and collaborative knowledge. Wikipedia Logo
  • Skype Introduced

    Skype Introduced
    Skype introduces free internet voice calls. OG Skype Interface
  • Facebook Launches

    Facebook Launches
    Facebook launches, becoming one of the largest social media platforms. OG Facebook Interface
  • YouTube Goes Live

    YouTube Goes Live
    YouTube is launched, changing the way video content is shared online. OG YouTube Interface
  • iPhone Released

    iPhone Released
    The release of the iPhone marks a turning point for mobile internet access. First Official iPhone AD (video)
  • Instagram Launches

    Instagram Launches
    Instagram is launched, popularizing photo-sharing on the internet. Instagram in 2011
  • Introduction of IPv6

    Introduction of IPv6
    IPv6 is introduced to accommodate the growing number of internet-connected devices. IPv6 (blog)
  • Net Neutrality Regulations

    Net Neutrality Regulations
    The FCC establishes net neutrality rules to regulate internet service providers. Net Neutrality
  • Global Internet Use Surges During COVID-19

    Global Internet Use Surges During COVID-19
    The COVID-19 pandemic leads to a massive increase in global internet use. Internet Usage
  • Emergence of AI and Chatbots

    Emergence of AI and Chatbots
    AI technologies like GPT-3 and chatbots become increasingly integrated into internet services. AI Illustration (website)