History of the First Unification War

  • Threats

    Kreivstal builds up military presence on the Kreivstal-UDA border of Krihnigoth
  • Brink of War

    UDA moves units in to the Krihnigoth border
  • War declared

    UDA declares war on Kreivstal, conflict breaks out across Furnaz
  • Stalemate

    UDA and Kreivstal forces dig in on the border and pound eachother
  • Krihnigoth campaign

    UDA Invades Krihnigoth
  • Krihnigoth surrenders

    Krihnigoth's capitol city is seiged by UDA forces and the country surrenders
  • Thermonuclear war

    Kreivstal launches nuclear missiles, UDA retaliates shortly after
  • Occupation of Ugrad

    Kreivstal invades Ugrad
  • Radiation

    Subran and Condrar suffer the effects of the nuclear fallout
  • Aftermath

    Furnaz lies in ruin, skirmishes continue
  • Ceasefire

    UDA and Kreivstal declare temporary ceasefire
  • Conflict restarts

    The ceasefire is broken and war resumes
  • Pushing forward

    UDA forces invade outer Kreivstal countries
  • Gruthgoth Invaded

    UDA invades Gruthgoth
  • Drechar surrenders

    Facing a large UDA force, Drechar surrenders
  • Luznar defects

    Luznar joins the UDA
  • Yultvik under seige

    UDA seiges Yultvik in an attempt to get Kreivstal to surrender
  • Invasion of Yultvik

    UDA invades Yultvik
  • War over

    Kreivstal surrenders after their capitol is decimated and their leaders killed or imprisoned