Federal Reserve Act was created
Woodrow Wilson signed the act to establish 8-12 district and reserve banks. The act also created the Federal Reserve Board. -
Reserve Districts are established by the Federal Reserve Board
FED Banks officially open
FED helps finance WWI
Great Stock Market Crash of 1929
Onset of the Great Depression. Panic within banking industry. -
FDR passes Glass-Steagall Act, and creates the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.
Banking Act of 1935 establishes the FOMC
Korean War erupts. FED struggles to keep low interest rates.
Treasury and FED agreement sets modern regulation for Federal Reserve
Bank Holding Company Act under Eisenhower
1971- Smithsonian Agreement
Federal Reform Act of 1977
Humphrey Hawkins Act
Garn-St Germain Act lowers inflation
FED is able to lend to banks through interest rates
FED provides programs to deal with recession
FED bails out Bear Stearns
Dodd-Frank Act
FED announces QE3