Human population 1 billion
Human population 2 billion
Minamata disaster
• The Minamata disease is a man made disaster located in Minamata, in a seaside town on a southern island named Kyushu. It was the result of a local plastics maker dumping more than 27 tons of mercury into Minamata bay poisoning the sea life and the people who ate them, causing a ton of bad things to happen to those people. -
Human population 3 billion
Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring Published
Rachel Carson published a book called Silent Spring, that highlighted what DDT was doing to the environment and how big the scope of the problem really is. It also opened people’s eyes about how the environment needs to be protected and how destructive humans were. -
Stockholm Conference
A world conference held in Stockholm that made what humans were doing to the environment a big issue. The people that participated in the conference put environmental issues at the top of the list in terms of priority, and put several principles in place to help the environment. -
Endangered Species Act
The endangered species act was a framework that was put into place by President Nixon to help protect and preserve the animals that are on the verge of extinction. It helped certain animals not go extinct when various things were threatening it’s habitat, like the Bald Eagle. -
Human population 4 billion
Love Canal
The love canal disaster was when a company started dumping toxic waste and chemicals into a scrapped canal project, causing 239 families to be relocated because they were experiencing health problems because of the chemicals. -
Bhopal disaster
The Bhopal disaster was when more than 40 tons of methyl isocyanate leaked from a pesticide plant in Bhopal, India, killing lots of people and animals instantly and causing health problems for other people. -
Chernobyl meltdown
The 4th reactor in the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant exploded, causing lots of radiation to go out into the immediate area, which led to a 30 kilometer exclusion zone being set up and the evacuation of 117,000 people. -
Human population 5 billion
Montreal Protocol
The Montreal Protocol was a worldwide effort that regulated more than 100 chemicals that were tearing a hole in the ozone layer. It was the first treaty to be universally ratified by every single country. -
Kyoto protocol
A international treaty that extended the 1992 UN Framework Convention on Climate Change that had state parties try to reduce greenhouse gas emissions based on the consensus that global warming was happening and that humans were the ones speeding it up with the use of well, greenhouse gasses. -
Human population 6 billion
Documentary film An Inconvenient Truth released
An inconvenient Truth was a documentary that aimed to educate people about global warming and climate change, using former United States Vice President Al Gore’s campaign. -
Human population 7 billion
Human population 8 billion