History of The Environmental Movement Group 2

  • Population Reaches 1 billion

    The population was able to reach its first billion because of the first industrial revolution and the bettering of technology.
  • Population reaches 2 billion

    The second billion took 123 years to reach because of plagues and wars.
  • Founding of IUCN

    During its first decade, the IUCN focused in examining the impact of human activity on nature. It flagged the damaging effect of pesticides on the environment. They have also helped protect animals and their habitats by establishing the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species which has proved to be a useful data source on the global extinction risk of species. The IUCN has been with us for more than 7 decades and has helped the world’s environment in a lot of ways.
  • Minamata Disease

    This disease was caused by an organo-mercury compound in wastes released from local chemical factories into Minamata Bay. The compound would later be concentrated in fish and seashell and were then consumed by local inhabitants. Victims of the disease suffered from mercury poisoning which resulted in mental retardation, severe birth defects, sight and hearing loss, paralysis, and death. The estimated number of victims of this disease is as many as 30,000.
  • Population Reaches 3 billion

    The wars took a toll on the population numbers, but the generation known as the baby boomers were born post war time due an increase in economic stability and the men who survived coming home to their wives and making babies. Families had less fear about not having the money and home to raise children in.
  • Rachel Carson's Silent Spring Published

    The book discusses the effects of DDT and similar pesticides on how they have a bad impact on the environment and are dangerous to humans and other animals. The book drew a lot of criticism especially from chemical industry and associated scientists. Carson later made lots of media appearances and even testified before President John F. Kennedy’s Science Advisory Committee. Though she died two years after the book came out due to breast cancer, she still helped popularize her movement.
  • Gaia Hypothesis

    The Gaia Hypothesis is the idea that all organisms and their inorganic surroundings form a single, self-regulating complex system that can maintain the conditions of life on the planet. The Gaia hypothesis was formulated by chemist James Lovelock and co-developed by microbiologist Lynn Margulis in the 1970’s.
  • Creation of NOAA

    NOAA was created on October 3rd, 1970 by the Department of Commerce. NOAA combined three organizations, the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey, the United States Weather Bureau, and the United States Commission of Fish and Fisheries. NOAA was created in order to give more accurate and important weather alerts across the country. NOAA was also created to study the land and weather and to conserve coastal fisheries of the United States.
  • Creation of the EPA

    In the 1970’s President Richard Nixon created the EPA Environment Protection Agency due to ineffective environmental laws already in place. One accomplishment of the many was the agreement to install catalytic converters in cars which instantly cut down 85% of unburned hydrocarbons.
  • Population Reaches 4 billion

    The next million came in only 15 years because world economies had recovered, for the most part and here in the US we were in good shape to build families.
  • Anti-Whaling Campaign

    On April 27,1975, a movement by the name of Greenpeace launched the first anti-whaling campaign from the docks of Vancouver. This movement would ignite similar movements around the world to “Save the Whales” and eventually lead to an international ban on commercial whaling.
  • Bhopal Gas Leak

    Thirty tons of toxic gas called methyl isocyanate was released accidentally from the Union Carbide pesticide plant in Bhopal, India on the night of December 2, 1984. Numerous other toxic gases were released leading to more than 600,000 people being exposed and anywhere from 3,800-16,000 people dead over the years. There is no hard evidence to say that the drinking water is toxic, but many children have been born with metal and physical disabilities in the past thirty years.
  • Chernobyl Accident

    The Chernobyl accident in 1986, was the result of a flawed reactor design that was operated with inadequately trained personal. The resulting steam explosion and fires released at least 5% of the radioactive core into the environment, with deposition of radioactive materials in many parts of Europe. Soon about 237 people were diagnosed with (ARS) acute radiation syndrome and 28 died as a result.Even today, radiation levels are considered unsafe to inhabit the area.
  • Population Reaches 5 billion

    In the next 13 years the world economies were doing well, city and suburban populations were on the rise. China’s population reached its own billion in 1982.
  • Kyoto Protocol

    In short, the Kyoto Protocol was an agreement by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change by committing industrialized countries and economies in transition to limit and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Population reaches 6 billion

    In October of 1999 the world's population reached 6 billion. Since the milestone of 6 billion the earths’ population has been growing faster than it ever has before. The Worlds’ population grew from 3 billion to 6 billion in about 40 years.
  • Documentary Film "An Inconvenient Truth" is Released

    A documentary made for Al-gore's campaign to bring awareness to climate change in 2006. It is called the Inconvenient Truth due to some people not understanding or wanting to believe in climate change.
  • Deep water Horizon Oil Spill

    The Deep water Horizon Oil Spill took place in April, 2010. The spill and explosion was caused by too much pressure on the rig. The oil spill leaked about 60,000 barrels of oil every day, 1/3 of gulf waters closed to fishing due to possible contamination.1.8 million gallons of dispersants were put in the water to speed up the process of bacteria eating away at the oil. Louisiana beaches that had oil wash up were cleaned manually. By October most areas that were contaminated were deemed safe.
  • Population Reaches 7 billion

    In 2011 the population reached 7 billion. Across the world the birth rate is consistently growing, which makes the world around 2 billion from the carrying capacity. With the population consistently growing more and more greenhouse gases are produced, making global warming a more important issue than ever before.
  • Beirut Lebanon Explosion

    A massive explosion at a port in Beirut caused by 2,700 tons of ammonium nitrate devastated the capital city of Lebanon. More than 190 people were killed with 6,000 people injured. The August 4th explosion was just another cherry on top for what 2020 has turned out to be.