History of the Environmental Movement (Blayke & Josh)

  • 1 Billion Population

  • California Droughts

    It is a recurring event that happens because of the climate. Droughts cause public safety and health problems; it can leave many people dead.
  • 2 Billion Population

  • Love Canal

    The canal became a big toxic waste dump that had about 21,000 tons of toxic chemicals. After being sold the owner decided to build a big community above it.
  • Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring Published

    She alerted the people of the dangers of using chemical pesticides carelessly. This influenced the peoples public opinion and led to stricter rules on using pesticides.
  • Minamata disaster

    The Minamata Disease is caused by sever mercury poisoning, some signs of having the disease are numbness in the hands and feet. The first discovery was in 1956 in Japan, it was caused by methylmercury in a factory.
  • 3 Billion Population

  • U.S. River Fires

    The fire took place in Cleveland, Ohio. Train bridges were causing debris to pile up under the bridge. There was also oil and other flammable objects, a train spark started the fire back in 1969.
  • Clean Air Act

    The law Authorizes the NAAQS (National Ambient Air Quality Standards to protect public health. One of the goals was to put the NAAQS in each state by 1975.
  • Stockholm Conference

    the start of a dialogue between industrialized and developing countries on the link between economic growth, the pollution of the air, water, and oceans and the well-being of people’s safety they contained three of the main categories Global Environmental Assessment Program, Environmental management activities, and International measures.
  • Endangered Species Act

    The Endangered Species Act adds protection to any wildlife that is threatened. This helps all the animals or plants recovery if they were going extinct.
  • 4 Billion Population

  • Bhopal Disaster

    The Bhopal disaster people were exposed to the toxic gas methyl isocyanate. he accident and the response to it demonstrate the existence of double standards for developing countries, especially when it comes to environmental pollution and health security.
  • Chernobyl Meltdown

    A nuclear powerplant blew up exposed chemicals for cancer. Dozens died due to radiation sickness .
  • Montreal Protocol

    The Montreal Protocol was gradually eliminating the production of the ozone layer. The Montreal Protocol is signed by 197 countries it was the first treaty in the history of the United Nations.
  • 5 Billion Population

  • Kyoto Protocol

    The Kyoto Protocol reduced the onset of greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere. A total of 36 countries that was included in this protocol.
  • Great Pacific Garbage Patch

    The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is big patch of marine debris in the North Pacific. It was also known as the Great Pacific Vortex, the trash spins in circles.
  • 6 Billion Population

  • Documentary film An Inconvenient Truth released.

    The creator shared his own personal thoughts and political life. He had graphs, photographs, and other imagery describing the greenhouse effect.
  • 7 Billion Population

  • Zero Water - South Africa

    The event was called “Day Zero” because of the South Africa’s crisis. There was absolutely no water in South Africa to give water to anybody.
  • 8 Billion Population