History of the Environmental Movement

  • First Billion Population

  • Second Billion Population

  • Whaling (Save the Whales)

    This campaign was started as a result of the Blue Whale nearly being hunted out of existence due to it being the largest species, thus becoming the first whale to be globally banned from being hunted. Then in the 1970s, the campaigned sparked even more movement after showing the public images of whales being killed
  • Founding of IUCN

    The IUCN was founded in the city of Fontainebleau in France. It was the very first global environmental union that brought together governments with the same similar goal, protecting nature. One of it's first actions within the decade of creation was observing the human impact on the planet.
  • The Minamata Disease

    A disease created upon pollution-based issues. as well as being discovered Minamata Bay in Kumamoto Prefecture. But also being found in 1965, in the Agano River basin in Niigata Prefecture. The disease mainly effects the Central Nervous system and the reason for it was caused by the consumption of fish and shellfish contaminated by methylmercury compound discharged from a chemical plant.
  • Third Billion Population

  • Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring Published

    A book created by Rachel Carson describing the humans misuse of pesticides over six years of analysis. It also spoke of how Democracies and Liberal societies needed to change how they operated so people could learn and start to question the government about what they are putting towards the environment
  • Memphis Sanitation Strike

    An action taken against unfair treatment and environmental justices concerns in Memphis, Tennessee. And even garnered the attention of Martin Luther King Jr. It advocated for fair play and better working condition.
  • Fourth Billion Population

  • Gaia Hypothesis

    The Gaia hypothesis states that the lower atmosphere of the earth is an integral, regulated, and necessary part of life itself. Which means in simple terms, without the lower part of the atmosphere that the other parts of life would be unable to live.
  • Bean V. Southwestern Waste Management Corp

    In Houston, Texas a group of African American homeowners started a bitter fight to keep the whispering Pines Sanitary Landfill from being placed within 1500 feet of a local public school.
  • Sit-in Against Warren County

    Second time African Americans did a non-violent protest. against polychlorinated biphenyl landfills More than 500 Activists and Environmentalists were arrested as well as being unsuccessful in stopping the landfills
  • Bhopal Gas Tragedy

    40 tons of methyl isocyanate gas leaked out of a pesticide factory in Bhopal, India. This event killed at least 3,800 people while also causing premature death to many others. As a result, the company that owned the factory had to pay $470 million in compensation
  • Chernobyl

    The Chernobyl incident was a result of a flawed reactor design that was operated with inadequately trained personal. The explosions and fires that came from the reactor resulted in 5% of the reactor core to leak out into the environment which contaminated the area and made it unlivable for humans.
  • Fifth Billion Population

  • Kyoto Protocol

    The Kyoto protocol operationalizes the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. So in short, it helps countries transition to a limit of greenhouse gas. They want the other countries to realize that the atmosphere is their job to protect as well.
  • Sixth Billion Population

  • An Inconvenient Truth

    This movie contains very...rough scientific, political, and social issues. Mostly surrounding Global Warming and environmental pollution. What's intriguing is that it's creator made it so that it was a mix of animation for kids but still included very real facts for them to hear.
  • Seventh Billion Population