In Kyoto, Japan, 68 of 606 children died after diphtheria immunization as a result of improper manufacture of toxoid. -
Founding of IUCN
The International Union For Conservation of Nature, located in Fontainebleau, France works to conserve and sustain our natural resources. -
Castle Bravo
The U.S. government was testing nuclear bombs for the military. The thermonuclear hydrogen bomb was the e biggest nuclear device ever tested by the U.S. at the time. The bomb was detonated at the bottom of the Caribbean near the Marshall Islands. The event led to radioactive contamination in the area. -
Minanmata is a city in Japan which experienced mercury poisoning due to local factories dumping chemicals in the sea. This sparked a major movement against polluting the oceans. -
Silent spring
Rachel Carsons book about environmental damage and human health issues -
The Palomares Incident
A B-52G bomber crashed carrying a non-nuclear payload in Almeria, Spain. this resulted in a plutonium contamination. -
"Door to hell"
In Derweze, Turkmenistan, a drilling rig was engulfed in a large hole that gave way to the surface. In the hole there were large amounts of methane gas. The methane gas is still burning till this day. -
Guia Hypothesis
the theory, put forward by James Lovelock, that living matter on the earth collectively defines and regulates the material conditions necessary for the continuance of life. The planet, or rather the biosphere, is thus likened to a vast self-regulating organism. -
The Three Mile Island Nuclear
A partial nuclear meltdown occurred at the three mile island in Pennsylvania. The incident led to small amounts of radioactive gasses being released into the environment as well as radioactive iodine. -
Bhopal Disaster
A tragic leak incident at the union Carbide India Limited pesticide plant in Bhopal -
Pacific Gyre Garbage Patch
A massive collection of marine trash and non-biodegradable goods. The patch has a high concentration of plastic, chemical toxins and human used trash items. -
The Chernobyl disaster, also referred to as the Chernobyl accident, was a catastrophic nuclear accident. -
Exxon Vladez Spill
An oil tanker ran into Blight Reef. It spilled 260,000-780,000 barrels of oil off the coast of Alaska -
Kuwita Oil Fires
The scorched earth policy was in effect. Iraq had burned over 600 oil wells. Around 1.5 billion dollars had been spent on extinguishing practices. The ash and fire had disrupted the quality of the soil and air. -
Al Mishraq Fire
Largest man made sulfur plant in Iraq caught on fire releasing 21,000 tons of sulfur dioxide per day into the atmosphere -
Jilin Chemical Plant Explosion
Series of explosions among chemical plants in China. The explosions were later revealed to have polluted the Songhu River, an estimated 100 tons of chemicals with benzene and nitrobenze. These Chemicals have been found to lower natural white blood cell count and factor into leukemia. -
BP Oil Spill
Began in the Gulf of Mexico on the BP-operated Macondo Prospect, considered to be the worst marine disaster in history spilling over 210 billion barrels of oil.
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