History of the continent

By Ruenth
  • 1 CE

    Oblivion Cataclysm

    Near to all records prior to this period are missing or destroyed.
  • 109

    Eastern Famine

    The eastern region becomes barren and turns into desert
  • 202

    First recorded Thalweg worship

    Religion officially established
  • 730

    Earliest traced ancestor to Ochrlous monarchy

    Ancestor to Belinda and Ochrl traced
  • 997

    First historical mention of whispering hills

    Later this area would become the capital of the Northern Kingdom
  • 1270

    First Drow settle in Obsidian Valley

    Folk tales suggest the head of these Drow was a Dranden - reliable sources on this are dubious
  • Period: 1326 to 1328

    Gnome revolution in West

    Leads to unification with Dwarves and treaty of the hammer
  • 1402

    Ziostrysha Born

    Birthplace unknown
  • 1429

    Ziastrysha begins rise to power

    Begins gathering followers
  • Period: 1502 to

    Reign of Ziastrysha

    Ziastrous was established via the building of the tower of Ziatrous.
  • Ochrl Born

    Born at Castle Tuhgol
  • Orchrlous established

    Orchrl coronated as speaker of the lands
  • Belinda Born

    Born at Castle Tuhgol like grandfather was
  • Varina Born

    Born in southern Ziastrous
  • Jacob Born

    Born in northern Ochrlous
  • Death of Ochrl

    Belinda Suceeds as Monarch of Ochrlous - name of kingdom maintained
  • Varysha succeeds Ziatrysha

    Changes name from Varina to Varysha
  • Death of Ziastrysha

    The body was destroyed to ensure no further resurrection could occur from loyalists
  • Establishment of Northern Kingdom

    Officially renamed from Ochrlous to Ochrlyn. Unification of Whispering hills, Ochrlous, and Ziastrous
  • Period: to

    Reign of first Monarch

    The first Monarch was born via the council of Drac, son inherited the throne afterwards.
  • Varysha death and Jacob dissapearance

    Varysha dies in the battle of north Thalweg. Jacob leaves his position as Archmage.
  • Period: to

    Jacob death estimated

    Jacob's final death is estimated between these years - it is not known where he died. Body discovered at the end of this period
  • Official dissipation of Varysha's group

    Some sources claim activity continued, but this is generally debated
  • Labyrinth established below Ochrlyn

    First references are made to the Labyrinth as an area used as a long-term prison
  • East Kingdom Established

    Vinsetone Cove established as a trading port to avoid eastern desert
  • Period: to

    Faulted immortals

    Popularised by the stageplays by the same name, the group known as the Faulted Immortals officially operated during this timeframe. They are later imprisoned in the Labyrinth.
  • King Nondan corronation

    Youngest Monarch comes to power at 2 days old, following the death of his mother due to childbirth complications
  • Period: to

    Ochrlyn War of expansion

    AKA the first drow war. The bloodiest war in history at 13% dead. Obsidian Valley conquered.
  • Western Kingdom established

    Gnomes and Dwarves officially create kingdom
  • Reign of Queen Maria II

    Shortest reign in history at 13 days. Does not attend the coronation due to illness. Later dies due to white fever
  • Period: to

    Eastern Desert War

    Brief war with the East Kingdom - establishment of current border of the desert
  • Period: to

    Western War of Agression

    War launched with the South, the establishment of current borders. Northern Kingdom supports the West - cited as origin of poor north-south relations
  • Birth of Lariah

    Born at Vinestone Cove
  • Willow incident

    East kingdom threatens to annex part of South's land, uneasy treaty signed leading to poor east-south relations
  • Period: to

    Rift War

    A rift opens in Ochrlyn, leading to the trade with rift and advancement of Northern technology - war starts later that year with rift. Ends with the death of Archmage Lariah to close the rift.
  • Unification of South

    Official Southern Kingdom formed
  • Pact of Oak signed

    East promises to respect borders of South
  • Period: to

    Queen Christina's reign

    Considered the butcher Queen, international relations suffered during her reign. The monarchy became extremely authoritarian during her reign. Drow relations suffer drastically.
  • Period: to

    Northern Civil War

    AKA Second Drow War, First Thalweg War. Queen Christina's assassination by Drow, led to the 2nd bloodiest war in history with 7% of the population killed. South join supporting drow. Ends with the establishment of Obsidian Duchy as an independent state with Duke Wandrir Dranden at head.
  • Period: to

    Second Thalweg War

    North-South war - Thalweg Marsh declared a buffer zone and now under jurisdiction of those worshipping Thalweg
  • Thalweg incident

    Obsidian Duchy stopped from reaching the sea via Thalweg. War was imminent but the treaty of Queen Tartarey II signed
  • Obsidian Duchy Secedes

    Due to financial ruin, the Obsidian Duchy is absorbed into Northern Kingdom. Dranden duchy is allowed to maintain rule.
  • King Theodore III born

    Born in Ochrlyn
  • Period: to

    Rule of Theodore III

    Longest ruling Monarch to date, leading to modern day
  • Dragon incident

    Dragon extermination was attempted by Theodore III. West and South collaborate.
  • Twin princes born

    Born in Ochlyn