history of the computer

  • Apple 1

    The cost for apple 1 was about $675. They only made about 200 total. The ram started at 4k or to the max of 35k.
  • Apple 2

    The Apple 2 sold for $1300-$2600. The price change if you wanted more ram space. The ram was 4k to 48k.
  • Atari 2600

    Atari 2600
    The Atari was one of the first gaming systems ever made. It has a cartridge slot and two controller ports. The ram was only 128 bytes.
  • Hp 85

    It cost about $3,250. It wieghed about 20 lbs. And had 8k to 64k ram.
  • Apple 3

    The cost of the Apple 3 with the monitor was $3800. There were only 65,000 made over a four year period. There was 128k to 512k of ram space.
  • Apple Macintosh

    The Apple Macintosh cost about $2500. The ram was 128k to 512k. There was an external floppy port.
  • Atari 5200ST

    The Atari 5200ST was about $600. 512k ram. Had ports for joystick and mouse.
  • Cannon Cat

    The Cannon Cat cost about $1500. There were only 20,000 sold. The ram was 256kB.
  • Atari Portfolio

    Atari Portfolio
    It cost about $400. Small portable device. 128k to 640k ram.
  • Atari Stacy

    The Atari Stacy was $2000. 1Meg to 4Meg ram. It wieghed 15 lbs.
  • Commodore Amiga 3000

    The price was $3,380. It had 2mb to 18mb. Third mega device in the amiga family.
  • Apple Newton

    Apple Newton
    The Apple Newton was a hand held device that kept track of your events. The starting price was $700. The ram was 640k to 4mb.
  • Parrot minidrones Rolling spider

    The Rolling spider is a small drone that flies around and you can own. It only wieghs 55 grams. And it has smart phone controls that work up to 20 meters away.
  • Oculus rift

    Oculus rift
    The oculus rift is a headset you were when you are playing video games. It provides a 360 view of the game. They are working on making it compatible with different gaming consoles right know.
  • JIBO

    JIbo is a home robot. It can recieve messages and take pictures and home video. JIbo will be about 5 lbs and will be 11inches tall with a 6 inch base