L nea del tiempo de la moda


  • 1 CE

    Paleolítico (2 millones a.c. hasta 13.000 a.c.)

    Paleolítico (2 millones a.c. hasta 13.000 a.c.)
    The clothes were designed with the skin of the animals, which included a process of scraping and curing, and until the softened and the result was very hard, in order to be a soft and flexible skin that adjusted to the body.
  • 2

    NEOLÍTICO (8.000 a.c. hasta 3.000 a.c.)

    NEOLÍTICO (8.000 a.c. hasta 3.000 a.c.)
    In addition, the wheel is invented and the plant fibers are used to weave fabrics such as linen, which was one of the best invented at that time. Another important fabric of that era was wool, which did not develop in Europe until the Bronze Age.