A lay couple established the first ever catholic school. They got all of the money from the local catholic people. It was located right near St Stephen's Cathedral. -
Bishop Quinn decided to raise money for the poor Irish people. The first secondary school was made in this year, this was also a catholic school, this school was in Witty. -
The (James) school for boys only was established. It was staffed and taught entirely by lay people. The lay people taught other religious people how to teach at their school. Part of their training was being the actual teachers apprentices. 100 years from 1868 (1968) the first teacher training center was established. -
The Irish and English people protested against each other because they wanted separate laws for different schools. They wanted compulsory free education. They also wanted to get rid of all the religious schools so no religion as a subject and no learning about Jesus. -
The Arch Bishop invested large stacks of land and grew the amount of schools in the area and by the time of 1930 he had established 8 more schools!!!!!!! -
The period of the great depression from, WW-ll. There were a lot of tough challenges. Some of them were people living in poverty, lacking of teachers and even economic challenges. The Catholics were strong through these times. They also helped the homeless (the people in poverty) by giving the children's schools fees to them. -
The people from all of the schools decided to take all of the schools to the next levels. The Brisbane schools were still struggling, aswel as there mission. From that the number of students had declined so much. So when they stopped struggling the teachers started to work at the schools again. -
The Government decided to have additional toilets for only the prep school. The Arch Bishop said that the company or school didn't have enough money, so they had to stick to only having the state school toilets. The 1960s was a strain for catholic education. -
43 000 students were enrolled at schools in 113 days. The community founded the school and some of the resources that we used today those people used back then. -
In 2007 the kids from all the schools in the world were allowed assess to at least some technology like - Computers and even there very own laptop's -
In this year some amazing facilitates were joined to some schools. Some more schools were also established which was good for the Brisbane mission. -
The Brisbane mission had a major boost in this year and loads more students joined and got enrolled in these new and good schools. The government decided to invest in some land to make more and more fabulous schools.