Emperor Constantine I
Constantine was a roman emperor that fought his way to the top, winning civil wars. When he became emperor he moved to the city Byzantium. He then renamed it Constantinople after himself. -
Period: 330 to Jan 1, 1453
Byzantine Empire
Emperor Justinian
Justinian was a emperor that wanted to regain the westeren half of rome back. he succeed to gain some of it. He also made a set of laws, he had rewritten Roman laws. These are still the base for many countries or states today. During his rule people were happy. -
Period: 533 to 545
General Belisarius
Balisarius was under Justinians rule. His first conquest was in Africa against the Vandal Kingdom. He had almost lost this war but managed to pull out a victory. Justinian sent him on another expedition to the Ostrogothic Kingdom where he took over their capital city. He aslo built a few things toward the end of his time as a military leader. He built a oratory on the site of the Santa Maria. -
Hagia Spohia
It was used as a church, it was also dedicated to the wisdom of God. It is said to have "changed the history of architecture". It was changed to a mosque by the Turks and is currently a museum. -
A bubonic plague broke out during Justinian's rule breaking the peace that the empire was under -
Period: Jan 1, 600 to Jan 1, 700
Islamic Conquests
The erruption of the arib population caused for their expantion. They took Byzantine land, Egypt and Syria. They tried to take the entire Byzantine Empire but failed during their second attempt. Then they settled downmaking Taurus Mountains the boarder between the two. -
Jan 1, 1025
Emperor Basil II, Military conquest
Basil also wanted to regain territory that they had lost before. After many years of civil wars and losses he fought the Bulgarians. This is where he had some victories and forced them to become a defensive empire and not offensive. He ended up defeating the Bulgarians and ruling over them as well over many wars. -
Jan 1, 1054
Great Schism
The Great Schism is a term used to describe the seperation of the Eastern Orthadox church and the Western Roman church. These churches argue over almost everything, including bread. There has been people who try for the churches to come back together or have a mutal understanding, this today still hasn't happened. -
Jan 1, 1095
Emperor Alexios I and Pope Urban II
Alexios was ruler during the Byzantine decent. He was able to halt the decent and recover their economy and other things. All which fighting and defending against many invaders. Pope Urban II is responsible for the first crusade. He was trying to solve the problems with all of the wars going on. -
Jan 1, 1204
Fourth Crusade
Attacked the church in Contantinople. This was thought of the final act of the Great Schism. The Byzantine was able to recover from this attack. It was actually meant to attack Jerusalem. It was the last of the crusades. -
Jan 1, 1453
End of the Byzantines
The Byzantine empire was surrounded by many enemimies. The Ottoman Turks were the ones who conquered the Byzantines in the end. The west would not help the east unless they converted to Catholicism. At first the east refused but when the Turks invaded and took over every thing except Constinople. The east did convert but it was to late.