Period: to
Evolution of the Car 1900
First hybrid engine
Ferdinand Porsche invents the lohne-porsche mixte hybrid -
Invention of the vW beetle
the beetle was designed by Ferdinand porsche with the invention of being a simple and economic car -
Catalytic Prototype
Eugene houdry invents the oxidation catalyst as a solution to the smog -
3-way catalytic coveter
rising concers over air pollutio and enviorment degradation lead john J. mooney and carl D. keith. -
Greenpeace unveils the Fuel effcient smile car
Greenpaece surprised the car industry by unveiling a car more fuel efficient than any on the roads at the time. -
peugeot competittion influences german carmakes
Peugeot equips the first time in his model 607 with particulate filter. -
Honda creates first production ready hydrogen car
In responese to concers about the world's finite supply of oil honda reveals the first production ready. -
Europe introduces first law to limit car co2
After the car industry does not comply with a voluntary commitment to limit emissions. -
VW presents the 1- liter car
As the world became more concered with pollution VW unveiled the first 1-litter car the l1 it could travel 100km. -
Eu Fails to pass clean car law
Despite more co2 in the atmospere today than in the last 3 million years germany postpones a vote on a law.