The First True Automobile Invented
In 1885, German engineer Karl Friedrich Benz created the Motorwagen, the first commercial automobile, which was powered by a internal combustion engine which required gasoline. It had three wheels and was referred to as a Tri-Car. -
World's First Four-Wheeled Automobile
in 1886, Gottlieb Daimler uses his internal combustion engine to build a four-wheel vehicle, considered the first modern automobile. -
Ford introduces the Tin Lizzie-First Affordable Car
In 1908 Henry Ford introduces the first Model-T car, also known as the Tin Lizzie. The car is generally considered the first affordable automobile. It is first automobile mass-produced on the moving assembly lines with completely interchangeable parts, and marketed towards middle class -
First Four Wheel Brake System Created
In 1910, Argyll is the first automobile fitted for four wheel brakes. The front brakes are operated by a foot pedal, while the back brakes are controlled by a hand lever. -
First Successful Tire Invented
In 1911,Philip Strauss invented the first successful tire, which was a tire with reinforced rubber and filled with compressed air -
Flashing Turn Signals Invented.
The Delaware company uses a thermal interrupter to create the flashing turn signal. Before this, drivers used hand signals in order to inform drivers behind them what they were about to do. -
First Air Conditioning System
In 1939, Nash Motor Company installs the first air conditioner system. This became both a luxury and standard for all future cars to come. -
First Seatbelt Installed
In 1958, the first automobile Saab GT750 was installed with the first seatbelt. This invention helped reduce the risk of fatal injuries during car accidents. -
First Lamborghini created
In 1963 the first Lamborghini was created. The first model was noted for their refinement, power and comfort. Lamborghini also established rear mid-engine, rear wheel drive as the standard layout for high-performance cars of its era. At this time sport cars began to sell in the maket.. -
First Airbag Equipped
In june 19 1974,the first air bag was fitted to GM cars Pontiac, Oldsmobile, and Cadillac, whcich suggested the automobile indutry's new interest in ensuring customer safety since it helped reduce the dangers of car accidents. At first in was only installed in the driver's seat but later appear in the front passenger seat as well. -
World's Fastest Car Tested
On Feburary 14 2014, Hennessey Venom GT reached a recorded top speed of 270.49 mph (435.31 km/h). This is a steep comparsion to the earliest models of automobiles which at top speed could reach 10mph.