Period: 500 BCE to
History of atomic models
450 BCE
Presocratic philosophers
Leuccipus and Democritus were the first known in occidental culture who used the notion of atom in their speculations about the composition of matter -
Lavoisiser's law
In chemical transformations matter may change its form or shape, but its mass remains the same. -
Richter's law of reciprocal proportions
The amounts of mass of different substances in chemical reactions are related. -
Proust's law of definite proportions
Elements always form a compound in the same proportions in mass -
Dalton's law of multiple proportions
The ratios between the masses of an element that reacts with a fixed mass of another element to form different compounds are simple whole numbers -
Dalton's New System of Chemical Philosophy
Dalton supposed real different indestructible atoms formed matter -
Cathode rays
Crooke's tubes -
The discovery of the electron
Joseph John Thomson with a cathode rays tube -
Rutherford's gold foil experiment
Atoms seem to be hollow -
Thomson's model of atom
Positive sphere with electrons -
Rutherford's atom
Positive nucleus and electron turning around at long distances -
Boht's atom
Light and matter -
Actual atomic model
Electron are in orbitals