Atomic model

History of the Atomic Model

  • Dalton proposes first Atomic theory

    Dalton proposes first Atomic theory
    Dalton experimented that the total pressure of a mixture of gases accounted for the sum of each individual gas before mixed
  • JJ Thomson

    JJ Thomson
    Thomson experimented with cathode rods to show that all atoms contain small negative charged subatomic particles known as "Electrons". He's also famous for the "plum pudding" model (Blueberry Muffin).
  • Ernest Rutherford

    Ernest Rutherford
    Rutherford shot alpha particles into gold foil. He noticed that the particles would go straight through, change path, or bounce back. By doing this he inferred that atoms or mostly empty space, nucleus is small with a positive charge, and that the nucleus is small and dense
  • Niels Bohr

    Niels Bohr
    By studying the orbit motion of a atom. Bohr and his mentor, Rutherford, they realized that electrons lose energy and collapse into the nucleus. Bohr proved that electrons can orbit the nucleus as long as they're a certain distance.
  • James Chadwick

    James Chadwick
    Chadwick discovered the neutron in atoms. With this, he also figured out that they don't have a charge but contribute to the atomic weight just like a proton. With isotopes, his discovery of the Neutron helped. He found out that isotopes (same element) have the same amount of protons and electrons but differ in the amount of neutrons in the nucleus.