History of the Atom Timeline by Aristotle
He discover about the atom is could be divided into smaller and smaller pieces.
He changed to the previous model of the atom .
He discovery the theory from observations was basic appvoach to philosophy is best graped initaily by way of contrast. -
History of the Atom Timeline by Democritus
He discover about the atom is the most part of any material pr element .
He change or add to the previous model of the atom is he didn't really discover anything.
Theories from observations was layers of atoms, are constantly sloughed from the surface of macroscopic bodies and carried through the air. Later atomists cote as evednce for this the gradual erosion of bodies over time. -
History of the Atom Timeline by Dalton
All matter is made of atoms. Atoms are indivisible and indestructible.
He preposed that all matter is composed of very small things he called atom. This was not a completely new concept as the ancient Greeks had proposed that all matter is composed of small, indivisble objects. -
He discover atom is electrons.
Two other modles proposed for the atom were cubic model and the Saturnian model. In the cubic model, the electrons were imagined to lie at the corners of the cube. In the Saturnian model, the electrons were imagined to orbit avery big, heavy nucleus. -
History of the Atom Timeline by Rutherford
He discover about the atom was not the smallest unit of mass.
He carried out some experiments which led to a change ideas around the atom. His new model described the atom as a tiny, dense, positively charged core called a nucleus surrounded by lighter, negatively charged electrons. This model is sometimes known as the planetary model of the atom.
He use to make his discovery is the proton led to his conception of the atom model. -
History of the Atom Timeline by Bohr
He discover that the atom has small positively changed nucleus.
He model: for example it could now explain the very interesting observation that atoms only emit light ar certain wavelengths or frequencies. He solved this problem by proposing that the electrons could only orbit the nucleus in certain special orbits at different energy levels around the nucleus.
He use to make discovery is performing numberous experimets on the element hydrogen . -
History of the Atom Timeline by Heisenberg and Schrodinger
The discover abou the atom was means of formula connected to the frequencies od spectral line.
Peoposed Principle of Indeterminancy- you can't knew both the position and velocity of a particle. Viewe electrons as continous clouds and introduced "wave mechanics as a mathematical model of theatom. They change to the previous model of the atom.
They used mathermational model arqument was based only on qualitative examples, he did not provide general, exact derivation of his relations.