Democritus came up with the idea that everything is made up of atoms. He used his observations of being able to cut things to come to the thought the atoms exist. He believed that atoms were solid and strong were called Iron atoms, atoms that were smooth and slippery he called them water atoms and if it came from your taste it was a salt atom. "A Science Odyssey." PBS. PBS, n.d. Web. 24 Feb. 2015 -
Dalton discovered certain gases could only be combined into certain types of proportions, even if the two compounds shared the same common element. Dalton found his result in doing research on gases Williams, Matt. "John Dalton's Atomic Model." Universe Today. N.p., 01 Dec. 2014. Web. 20 Feb. 2015. -
Thomson discovered that atoms have electrons that are small. He used the Plum Pudding Model (Blueberry Muffin), which is when you split an atom open, you would see tiny electrons stuck throughout the inside of it. It is described as negative electrons stuck in a positive "dough". Thomson used the cathode rays (beams of electrons) that interact with electric and magnetic fields. By using this method he was able to determine the mass.
Allain, Rhett. "The Development of the Atomic Model." Dot P -
<a href=' DeWitt, Tyler. "GaggleTube Video - Discovery of the Nucleus: Rutherford's Gold Foil Experiment." GaggleTube Video - Discovery of the Nucleus: Rutherford's Gold Foil Experiment. N.p., 10 Nov. 2012. Web. 23 Feb. 2015.' >Rutherford</a>Rutherford discovered that an atom had a nucleus. He used the Nucleat Model. Rutherford took a piece of gold foil and shot tiny things at it, which are called alpha particles (positively charged and smaller than an atom). He bent material into a circle then put the gold foil in the middle of the circle. When he shot the particles at the foil, they went straight through the middle. The Nuclear Model shows all the positve charges in the atom waas concentrated riight in its center. -
Bohr found that Rutherford's work wasn’t all the way correct, he discovered that elections could be knocked out of position if a charged particle pass by. "A Science Odyssey." PBS. PBS, n.d. Web. 24 Feb. 2015. -
Heinsenberg and Schrodinger
They discovered that electrons weren't really spinning in orbits, more like hyperactive flies buzzing around the atoms sketching out different shapes, which they called orbital. Heisenberg and Schrodinger used Quantum mechanics as a method. And also the model was called Quantum Mechanical Model.
DeWitt, Tyler. "Models of the Atom Timeline." GaggleTube Video - Models of the Atom Timeline. N.p., 6 Dec. 2012. Web. 19 Feb. 2015.