Democritus(450 B.C)
-He claimed that everything is made of atoms. He proposed that if you keep breaking an object in half, say bread, that eventually you would get to a point at which you can no longer break the object in half. He called this atomos which means "uncuttable". Since he couldn't prove his theory, it was rejected by scientist such as Aristotle. -
Aristotle(460 B.C)
After rejecting Democritus, Aristotle proposed his own theory. He said that differend things were made of different amounts of the element Earth, Water, Fire, and Air (Sometimes containing a fifth element called Aether [Also spelled æther or ether). Like Demcritus, he couldn't prove his theory. -
Dalton, like Democritus, believed that matter consisted of indivisible (uncuttable) atoms. He believed that atoms arranged in different combinations to make different compounds. His atomic model was called the Billard Ball Model. He discovered this by making a model and developing theories from it. -
Thomson discovered that atoms have electrons and that electrons are actually smaller than atoms. He believed that there were atoms and inside those atoms were the electrom subatomic particles. He believed that if you split an atom in half, that you would see mall electrons stuck throughout the atom (Negative electrons stuck in a positively charged dough that balanced the atom and and made it neutral [Looked like a blueberry muffin]) and he discovered this by making his Plum Pudding model. -
He discovered that atoms have a nucleus. In 1919, he discovered Protons (Neutrons were discovered in 1932 by James Chadwick). Rutherford believed that all of the positive charge of an atom was focused in the center. His model is called the Nuclear Model and it was how he discovered his discovery. -
Bohr though that instead of electrons drstributed evenly throughout the atom, that they were actually orbiting the nucleus of the atom like planets around the sun. He believed that the electrons were orbiting around the sun in circular motions called Orbitals. His atomic model is not the most recent, but it is the most common. The name of his atomic model is called the Bohr Model and it was how he madehis discovery. -
Heisenberg and Schrodinger
Schrodinger thought that electrons weren't really in orbits. but that they were moving all around the nucleas in odd shaped paths. He though of the electrons like hyperactive flies buzzing atound the atom on various different paths. Heisenburg created a theory that because subatomic particles are so small, that they don't follow the same laws of physics as normal of normal objects. The model created by these scientist is called the Quantum Mechanical Model and its how they made there discovery. -
Bibliograhpy even more(continued)
Timeline of the Atom. N.d. Photograph. Timelineoftheatom.blogspot.com. Web. 28 Feb. 2014.
"Wikipedia." Wikipedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Nov. 2013. -
Aristotle. N.d. Photograph. Www.oocities.org. Web. 28 Feb. 2014.
Atomic Models Web Cast. N.d. Photograph. Www.epcentury.com. Web. 28 Feb. 2014.
Buescher, Lee. "Atomic Structure Timeline." Atomic Structure Timeline. ScienceDept, n.d. Web. 25 Feb. 2014.
Democritis-model.jpg. N.d. Photograph. Prezi.com. Web. 28 Feb. 2014. -
Harvey, Nicole. "Zachary Community School District: Login to the Site." Zachary Community School District: Login to the Site. Zachary High School, n.d. Web. 27 Feb. 2014.
Plum Pudding Model. N.d. Photograph. En.wikipedia.org. Web. 28 Feb. 2014.
Questions and Answers. N.d. Photograph. Education.jlab.org. Web. 28 Feb. 2014.
Rutherford Model. N.d. Photograph. En.wikipedia.org. Web. 28 Feb. 2014.