He said that all matter is made up of tiny particles called atoms. If you kept cutting stuff in half you would eventually reach a particle that was so small it could not be cut in half. -
Aristotle didnt believe in atoms. He thought thought that everything was made up of the natural elements. Https://www.gaggle.net/gaggleVideoProxy.do?op=view&v=56f60323e745304a6deba9eeba2c9245 -
Dalton expanded on Democritus's idea of an atom. He thought that things can be broken down into elements and elements are made up of differnt masses and atoms were tiny and indivisible.Dalton said that the atoms looked like tiny little balls arranged in different combonatioins. Http://scienceblogs.com/dotphysics/2009/09/04/the-development-of-the-atomic-model/ Https://www.gaggle.net/gaggleVideoProxy.do?op=view&v=56f60323e745304a6deba9eeba2c9245 -
He discovered that atoms have electrons and electrons are smaller than atoms. He pictured the atom to look like a blue berry muffin and inside of the muffin is tiny little electrons inside of a positive "doe" that canceled out. This was nicknamed the "Plum Pudding Model" Http://scienceblogs.com/dotphysics/2009/09/04/the-development-of-the-atomic-model/ -
he descovered that atoms have nucleus in the gold foil experiment. Http://scienceblogs.com/dotphysics/2009/09/04/the-development-of-the-atomic-model/ -
He discovered that the electrons orbit around the nucleus. The nucleus is in the middle with the electrons orbiting around it like planets. Http://scienceblogs.com/dotphysics/2009/09/04/the-development-of-the-atomic-model/ Https://www.gaggle.net/gaggleVideoProxy.do?op=view&v=56f60323e745304a6deba9eeba2c9245 -
Heisenberg and Schrodinger
dicovered that the electrons move in waves around the nucleus. They did not orbit; the made "orbitals" that sketch out different shapes. Http://scienceblogs.com/dotphysics/2009/09/04/the-development-of-the-atomic-model/