Democritus's Discoveries (400 BC)
Democritus first proposed the idea that everything is made of atoms although you can not see or sense them with your senses. He discovered this through observations of things around him.
Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th Edition. "Democritus." EBSCO. N.p., n.d. Web.
This was Democritus' model of the atom. Digital Image. History-of-the-atom.wikispace.com. N.p.,n.d. Web 27 Fe. 2014. -
Aristotle's Discoveries (400 BC)
Aristotle believed that everything was made of four different elements: air, water, fire, and earth. He found this out by observing the world around him.
Aristotle's Atomic Model. Digital image. Spcpchemroom8.blogspot.com. N.p.,n.d. Web. 27 Feb 2014. -
Dalton's Atomic Theory
Dalton proposed that atoms were spherical solids and atoms of the same element have identical mass and properties . He also claimed atoms cannot be created or destroyed. He diiscovered this by experimental observations and comprised a model of the atom called the billiard ball.
"Lecture." Lecture. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Feb. 2014
Dalton-Billard Ball Model. Digital imgae. Www. xtimeline.com. N.p.,n.d. Web. 27 Feb. 2014. -
Thomson's Discoveries
Thomson discovered the electron and figured it was negatively charged and scattered throughout a postively charged atom therefore causing the atom to be electrically neutral. He created the plum pudding model of the atom. In the picture, the red dots represent electrons.
Models of the Atom Tmeline.Dir. Tyler DeWitt. Perf. Tyler DeWitt.
2012. YouTube.
HISTORY OF THE ATOM FROM DEMOCRITUS TO BOHR TO SCHRODINGER. Digital image. Prfmokeur.ca. N.p.,n.d. Web. 27 Feb. 2014. -
Rutherford's Discoveries
Rutherford claimed positive particles were located in the center of the atom called a nucleus. Rutherford perfourmed his renowned gold goil experiment to come to this conclusion. HIs model is called the nucleur model.
"Chemistry Project : The History Of The Atom." Chemistry Project : The History Of The Atom. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Feb. 2014.
Rutherford's Planetary Model. Digital image. www.iun.edu. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Feb. 2014 -
Bohr's Discoveries
Bohr came to the conclusion that electrons spin around the nucleus in a circular pattern called an orbit. He also discovered that protons reside in the nucleus of an atom. His model was called the Bohr Model. He discovered this by theory of observations.
"Chemistry Project:The History of The Atom." Chemistry Project " The History Of The Atom. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Feb. 2014.
Description Bohr Model. Digital image. Commons.wikimedia.org. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Feb. 2014. -
Heisenberg and Schrodinger
These two sceintists proposed that electrons did not move on an orbit, but on an orbital with no set path and direction. They used the quantum mechanical model to show their findings, and came to these conclusidons through gathered evidence from experiments.
Models of the Atom Timeline. Dir. Tyler DeWitt. Perf. Tyler DeWitt.
2012. YouTube.
"Lecture." Lecture. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Feb. 14
Using Quantum Entanglement. Digital image. www.crystalinks.com. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Feb. 2014