
History of the Atom Timeline by Caleb Smith

  • 100

    Discovery of atom theory (460 BC)

    Discovery of atom theory (460 BC)
    Democritus created the idea of subatomic particles known as atoms
  • 110

    The atom was denied as a Theory (360 BC)

    The atom was denied as a Theory (360 BC)
    Aristotle denied the theory of the atom and people listened
  • Atom Theory picked up again

    Atom Theory picked up again
    Daltonrediscovewrd the atom and saw it as a lumpy particle
  • The first Atom model is created

    The first Atom model is created
    Thomson created the first model of the atom that is called "Rasin in the Pudding" model
  • Discovery of the positive matter and an Atom model update

    Discovery of the positive matter and an Atom model update
    Rutherford discovered the positive matter known as the nucleus consist of positive charges and updates the atomic model
  • Model update and creation of rules

    Model update and creation of rules
    Bohr creates the new model that shows the number of electrons in an atom and creates two rules to explain the unknown logic of the atom
  • The newest atom update

    The newest atom update
    Heisenberg and Schrodinger create the newest model of the atom made of the nucleus (protons and neutrons) and the electron cloud (electrons)
  • Bibliogrphy

    "History of Atoms." History of Atoms. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Feb. 2014.