Democritus (400 BC)
If you take a object and keep braking into smaller pices and soon it would not be able to brake anymore.
He observed the world
Https://www.google.com/search?q=democritus's+atom+model&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=200OU6OjM... -
Aristotle (384 - 322 BC)
He said that atoms did not exist, that things were made up of things like water and ice
He observed the world https://www.gaggle.net/gaggleVideoProxy.do?op=view&v=56f60323e745304a6deba9eeba2c9245 -
Dalton believed that objects can be broken into smaller pieces and it is ou could not cut the called an element.
He used a scientific experiment to find this out.
Https://www.gaggle.net/gaggleVideoProxy.do?op=view&v=56f60323e745304a6deba9eeba2c9245 Https://www.google.com/search?q=dalton's+atomic+model&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=oaAPU6DuK4bR2QWb4... -
He found out that electrons came from atoms and they have a small mass, and a negative charge
He used experementsand helooked at life Https://www.gaggle.net/gaggleVideoProxy.do?op=view&v=56f60323e745304a6deba9eeba2c9245 -
Rutherford thought that along with negative electrons there are positive particles in the nucleus. Https://www.gaggle.net/gaggleVideoProxy.do?op=view&v=56f60323e745304a6deba9eeba2c9245 Https://www.google.com/search?q=dalton's+atomic+model&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=oaAPU6DuK4bR2QWb4... -
He wanted to connect light with atoms only at certain levels of energy in the atom
He used experments for his theory
Https://www.gaggle.net/gaggleVideoProxy.do?op=view&v=56f60323e745304a6deba9eeba2c9245 -
Heisenbourg and Schrodinger
Electrons did not move around they were wend around crazily around the nuclius
They used mathmatical method