
History of the Atom Timeline

  • 100

    The origin of Atomic Theory

    The origin of Atomic Theory
  • 460

    Democritus -

    Democritus -
    • Greek Philosopher born in 460 BC
    • Created his own Democritus Atom Model
    • His atomic theory states : everything is physically made up of atoms; invisible and can never be broken down; between atoms are empty spaces; more empty space the heavier the atom; atoms can never be destroyed or created
    • His model didn't have a nucleus or electrons
  • John Dalton

    John Dalton
    • best known for work in modern atomic theory
    • proposed his atomic theory in 1803 : reasoned that tiny particles called atoms make up elements
    • Dalton's law : total pressure exerted by the mixture of non-reactive is equal to the sum of the parttial pressures of individual gases
    • devised the first atomic model called the solid sphere model
  • J.J. Thomson

    J.J. Thomson
    • discovered the electon in 1897, new theory that atom was made up of small particles and thus discovered electrons
    • proved theory by using the cathode ray tube
    • proved that atoms were made up of protons, electons, and nuetrons/ atom was divisible
    • had a model called the plum pudding model
  • Albert Einstein

    Albert Einstein
    • one of the fathers of modern atomic theory
    • the theory of relativity
    • Einstein's paper on Brownian Motion confirmed the atomic theory of matter; first prood that atoms actually existed
  • Ernest Rutherford

    Ernest Rutherford
    • worked on radioactivity coining the terms "alpha" and "beta"
    • was part of the GeigerMarsden experiment, existence of the atomic nucleus and this became part of his model of the atom
    • his model was a symbol showing electrons circling around the nucleus often refered to as the planetary model
    • 1908 was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry
    • element rutherfordium was named in his honor
  • Neils Bohr

    Neils Bohr
    • Questioned the Rutherford atomic model 1913
    • Bohr proposed the quantum theory of an atom; the model he created was called Bohr (Rutherford) Model
    • Main points of the Bohr Model : electrons orbit the nucleus in orbits that have a set size and energy, energy of orbit is related to size, and lowest engergy is found in the smallest orbit
  • Robert Millikan

    Robert Millikan
    • recipient of the 1923 Nobel Prize in physics
    • worked on the elementary charge of electricity and on the photoelectric effect
    • known for his oil-drop experiment that settled the argument and determined accurately both the charge and the masss of the electron
    • this provided the first and most important proof of the new atomic theory
  • Louis de Broglie

    Louis de Broglie
    • French physicist that made groundbreaking contributions to quantum theory
    • postulated the wave theory of electrons and suggested all mater has wave properties
    • this concept is known as the wave-particle duality
    • won the Noble Prize for Physics in 1929
  • Werner Heisenberg

    Werner Heisenberg
    • created matrix mechanics, the first version of quantum mechanics
    • memorable discoveries is the Uncertainty Principle : electrons do NOT travel in neat orbits; electrons that contian photons will change momentum and physics
    • calculated behavior of electrons/subatomic particles
  • Erwin Schrödinger

    Erwin Schrödinger
    • developed model of the atom that combined equations for the behavior of waves with the de Broglie equation of create a mathmatical model for the distribution of electons in an atom
    • his theory could be visualised while Heisenburg's was strictly math
  • James Chadwick

    James Chadwick
    • proved the existence of neutrons; before knew the existence of protons in the nucleus
    • established atomic number is determined by the number of protons in an atom
    • won the 1935 Nobel Prize in Physics
  • Wolfgang Pauli

    Wolfgang Pauli
    • Austrain physicist
    • discovered an atom's electrons each have their own unique quantum state
    • know as Pauli exlusion principle
    • recieved the 1945 Nobel Prize in Physics
  • Modern model of the atom

    Modern model of the atom