Developed the Idea of an atom, dissmised as a hoax by many people including Aristotle. He thought that if you kept spliting mater in half how small did it go and he named this the Atom. The importance of this was that he threw the wood on the mantal for atomic development. -
Period: 100 to
Time when atoms where forgotten
John Dalton
He preformed experiments with a variety of chemicals that pointed towards an extremely small lumpy particle. He also knew that this was the start of something big. This is important becuse it was the fire that started development of further reaserch on Atoms. -
Thomson discovered the existence of electrons and he made a model that reflected a lump(matter) with balls in it(electons). His discovery was important becuse he was the first to discver electrons and he also made a more understandable model of how an atom was suposedly made up.. -
Ernest Rutherford
DIscovered that atoms had a nucleous and he also shined Alpha particles through gold foil to see what whould happen to the atoms, he was surprised that they went through smoothly. This is important becuse it was when a model closer to what an atom acctually is was created. -
Bohr figured some rules for the atomic theroy. R1: electrons can only orbit specific distances from the nucleus. R2: Atoms transfer energy when an electron jumps fro one orbit to another. This is important becuse without this discovery we would still be beliving that atoms went towards the nucleos. -
Erwin Schrödinger
He created a symbol to represent the atom in what it is called psi. He also made a wave atom witch vibrated like a violin. This is important becuse he found out a way to represent atoms for scientists. -
He was the first to finally discover the neutron and its mass. His discovery was important becuse it further helped people understand what makes up an atom.