history of the atom matt warrington jacob brinkhaus

  • 450

    democritis 450 BC

    democritis 450 BC
    Atoms tend to group together with similar types of atoms. When a certain type of atom is more common in a group than other types, that dominant atom type gives the group its preperties. He did not have any evidence to support this claim and his ideas were dismissed by many.
  • 450


    He dismissed the idea of an atom and no other influential work was done on the atom until the 1800's.
  • dalton

    All elements are made up of miniscule indivisible units called atoms. Atoms within the same element are identical but atoms of one element differ from another element. Atoms in different elements can merge together physically or chemically to create compounds. Studied the ratios in which chemical reactions and based on the ecperimental results he developed hyptheses and theories to ecplain his observations
  • thomson

    he discovered electrons and that they were part of the atom and were negatively charged. He conducted ecperiments with cathode ray tubes.
  • rutherford

    He discovered the nucleus. He proposed that the atom is mostly empty space and all the positive charge and mass in the middle and he called it the nucleus. Performed an ecperiemnt called the gold foil experiment.
  • bohr

    made a model of a hydrogen atom that included the elctrons of the atom. He created a formula for calculating the lacation for the lines and mass of electorns. Worked with other scientists on the Manhatten Project
  • Heisenberg and Schrodinger

    Heisenberg and Schrodinger
    Heisenburg developed the uncertaintly principle while working in quantum physics. He and others in the Uranum Club worked on a nuclear bomb until he was arrested and later worked on chemistry.
    Shrodinger dedicated his whole life to quantum mechanics. He published an article on wave mechanics that was very celebrated. Had apporches similar to that of Heisenburg. Studied the work of Plank and Bohr.