Period: 200 to
He was a hindu sage
Suggested the idea that atoms were an indestructible particle of matter -
Period: to
Antione Lavoisier
Named Oxygen and HydrogenPredicted siliconHelped construct metric system. Put together first extensive list of elementsDiscovered the fact that matters weight never changes -
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Teacher and public school lecturerDalton also came to believe that the particles in different gases had different volumes and surrounds of caloric, thus explaining why a mixture of gases—as in the atmosphere—would not simply layer out but was kept in constant motion. He did lost of work with compounds -
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Created a model of the atom (bohr model)Named the lowest allowable state of energy for an atom ground state. Related hydrogens energy state to the motionless electrons within atoms -
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Discovered the electronIn 1904 Thomson suggested a model of the atom as a sphere of positive matter in which electrons are positioned by electrostatic forces. Was a physicist His techniques led to the development of masspectograph -
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Originated quantum theory. Concluded matter could only be lost or gained In small amounts. -
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Won a Nobel prize. Confirmed thomsons hypothesis that mass of an electron is 1000 times the lightest atom. Measured electron charge -
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Found out radioactivity involved the transmutation of one chemical to the other. Was a chemist and physicist Showed atom was mostly empty space Developed scattering method to show atom nuclei. Named the proton -
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Continued to work on Broglies wave-particle theory.Made an equation that made atoms waves.Created the quantum mechanical model of the atom -
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Chadwick proofs the existence of the neutron in 1932 what accelerated the research in nuclear physics inmensely. -
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His experiments discovered all tropic forms of hydrogen Created quantum physics Studied radiation emitted from the atom,Made the principal of uncertainty -
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Famous for the E=mc2 equationExplained the photoelectric effectProposed that electromagnetic radiation has natures such as waves and particlesProposed that photons’ energy of light must have a certain threshold value -
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he actually lived from 490 BCE to 430 BCE but i wouldnt let me put that in...
He gave the idea that matter might be a combination of a few types of basic substances Was the base for todays notion of elements, even though he didn’t use that term -
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he actually lived 460 BCE- 370 BCE
Developed aromismIdentified real existence of atoms. Developed purely mechanical materialsm -
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he actually lived from 384-322 BCE but it doesnt let me do BCE
Taught alexander the great. Believed all things are made of atomsDismissed Democritus’ idea of atomic idea. Believed matter could be devised infinitely