Democritus- 450 BC and Aristotle 350 BC
world consists of atoms that move in infinite ward. They cant be seen or destroyed. All differ in size, shape, and position.
HE made this discovery from observations of the world.
he didnt think there were protons, neutrons, or electrons.
matter must be made of smaller pieces because things can continuously be broken down.
Theory from observation
he didnt think there was any atoms. -
ATOMIC THEORY: all matter was composed of small invisible particles termed atoms. Atoms in given element have different charicteristics and weight.
There are elements, simple molecules, and complex molecules.
he thought there were isotopes of elements. -
-he discovered the electron . He believed the rays around the atom were tiny pieces of matter.
-built a cathode ray tube in which rays passed through a vacuum in a glass tube. Rays seemed to come frim cathode( negatively charged) se he knew they were negatively charged. -
-first to break up nucleus of an atom.
-"Father of Nuclear Science"
-saw different pieces of the nucleus.
-there is a lot of empty space between nucleus and electrons. -
-Electron orbits nucleus
-energy proportional to distance from nucleus
-orbits are quantized
-light absorbed when an electron ring to higher orbit and emitted which an electron falls into lower orbit. -
Heisenburg and Schrodinger
no experiment can measure position and momentum of a quantum particle simultaneously.
performed experiments to try and chart electron movement.
shot photon at electrons