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History of the Atom - Ana Williams & Tamira Johnson

  • Period: 400 to

    History of Atom

  • 450 - Democritus (400B.C.)

    450 - Democritus (400B.C.)
    • discovery: 400 B.C.
    • that atoms can be broken into smaller parts.
    • he has does not have any evidence to support his theory.
  • Aristotle

    • 450- (340 B.C.)
    • matter is made up of the these elements: earth, air, fire, and water
  • Dalton

    -1808 A.D.
    - matter was made up of atoms
    - method: used experimental methods to recontruct Democritusi ideas
  • Thompon

    • 1897 A.D.
    • using cathode ray, that there seemed to be negatively charged particles in atoms making them able to be split even further apart
    • method: cathode ray rubes
  • Rutherford

    • 1909 A.D.
    • he discovered the nucleus, and found that inside was a postively charged particle (called a proton)
    • method: Gold- Foil experiment
  • Bohr

    1913 A.D.
    electrons travled in shells, or certain energy levels around the nucleaus
  • Heisenberg & Schrodinger

    Heisenberg & Schrodinger
    - the equations