
History of the Atom

  • 460

    Democritus Birth

    Democritus Birth
    Democritus born in Abdera, Thrace.
  • 500

    Democritus' Discovery

    Democritus' Discovery
    Democritus announces the atomic theory, with his work based on his teacher, Leucippus.
  • 550

    Democritus Dies

    Democritus Dies
    Democritus dies in Abdera, Thace
  • Antoine Lavoisier Birth

    Antoine Lavoisier Birth
    Antoine Lavoisier born in Paris, France
  • John Dalton BIrth

    John Dalton BIrth
    John Dalton is born in Eaglesfield, England
  • Conservation of Mass

    Conservation of Mass
    Lavoisier comes up with the Law of Conservation of Mass by working with a number of different elements
  • Antoine Lavoisier Death

    Antoine Lavoisier Death
    Antoine Lavoiser dies in Paris, France
  • Dalton's Atomic Theory

    Dalton's Atomic Theory
    Dalton proposes his Atomic Theory becasue of his work and interest with atmospheric pressure
  • John Dalton Dies

    John Dalton Dies
    John Dalton dies in Manchester England
  • J.J. Thomson Birth

    J.J. Thomson Birth
    J.J. Thomson born in Manchester, UK
  • Max Planck Birth

    Max Planck Birth
    Max Planck born in Kiel, Germany
  • Marie Curie BIrth

    Marie Curie BIrth
    Marie Curie born in Warsaw, Poland
  • Robert Milikan Birth

    Robert Milikan Birth
    Robert Milikan is born in Morrison, Illinois
  • Ernest Rutherford Birth

    Ernest Rutherford Birth
    Ernest Rutherford born in Brightwater, New Zealand
  • Albert Einstein Birth

    Albert Einstein Birth
    Albert Einstein born in Ulm, Germany
  • Niels Bohr Birth

    Niels Bohr Birth
    Niels Bohr born in Copenhagen, Denmark
  • Erwin Schrodinger Birth

    Erwin Schrodinger Birth
    Erwin Schrodinger is born in Vienna, Austria-Hungary
  • James Chadwick Birth

    James Chadwick Birth
    James Chadwick born in Bollington, UK
  • Louis De Broglie Birth

    Louis De Broglie Birth
    Louis De Broglie is born in Dieppe, France
  • Discovery of the Electron

    Discovery of the Electron
    J.J. Thomson discovers the electron through a series of experiments used to study the nature of electric discharge and work with his Cathode Ray Tube
  • Quantom Theory

    Quantom Theory
    Max Planck did a series of experiments and came up with the Quantom Theory
  • Werner Heisenberg Birth

    Werner Heisenberg Birth
    Werner Heisenberg is born in Wurzburg, Germany
  • Radioactivity

    Marie Curie worked with her husband and discovered radioacivity comes from inside the atom and came up with the term "radioactivity"
  • Plum Pudding Model

    Plum Pudding Model
    J.J. Thomson shows his Plum Pudding Model of the atom
  • Discovery of the Size of Charge on One Electron

    Discovery of the Size of Charge on One Electron
    Robert Millikan discovers the size of charge on a single electron by doing his Oil Drop Experiment
  • Discovery of the Nucleus

    Discovery of the Nucleus
    Ernest Rutherford discovered the nucleus of the atom from his Gold Foil Experiment
  • Bohr's Atomic Model

    Bohr's Atomic Model
    Niels Bohr shows off his model of the atom, using Rutherford's model as a base
  • Theory of Relativity

    Theory of Relativity
    Albert Einstein publishes his theory of general relativity
  • Wave Nature of Electrons

    Wave Nature of Electrons
    Louis De Broglie discovers the wave nature of electrons from his work with x-rays
  • Schrodinger's Atomic Model

    Schrodinger's Atomic Model
    Erwin Schrodinger shows off his model of the atom, called the Cloud Model, that was created by using mathematical equations
  • Uncertainty Principle

    Uncertainty Principle
    Werner Heizenburg comes up with the uncertainty principle based on radiation emitted by the atom
  • Discovery of the Neutron

    Discovery of the Neutron
    James Chadwick discovers the neutron based off of Marie Curie and her husband's work.
  • Marie Curie Death

    Marie Curie Death
    Marie Curie dies in Passy, Haute-Savoie, France
  • Ernest Rutherford Death

    Ernest Rutherford Death
    Ernest Rutherford dies in Cambridge, UK
  • J.J. Thomson Death

    J.J. Thomson Death
    J.J. Thomson dies in Cambridge, UK
  • Max Planck Death

    Max Planck Death
    Max Planck dies in Gottingen, Germany
  • Robert Millikan

    Robert  Millikan
    Robert Millikan dies in San Marino, California
  • Albert Einstein Death

    Albert Einstein Death
    Albert Einstein dies in Princeton, New Jersey
  • Erwin Schrodinger Death

    Erwin Schrodinger Death
    Erwin Schrodinger dies in Vienna, Austria
  • Niels Bohr Death

    Niels Bohr Death
    Niels Bohr dies in Copenhagen, Denmark
  • James Chadwick Death

    James Chadwick Death
    James Chadwick dies in Cambridge, UK
  • Werner Heizenburg Death

    Werner Heizenburg Death
    Werner Heizenburg dies in Munich, Germany
  • Louis De Broglie Death

    Louis De Broglie Death
    Louis De Broglie dies in Loveciennes, France