460 BCE
He lived in Abdera, Greece, He proposed that human beings are composed of very small particles he called atomos and that they make up everything we see and are, he tested it by breaking a sea shell till he could not break it anymore. -
Antoine Lavoisier
Born in Paris, France, and developed an experiment based theory the Law of Conservation- matter cannot be made or destroyed . Known has the father of Modern Chemistry. -
John Dalton
He lived in Manchester, England, He proposed that all matter was composed of atoms,he proved this by heating and cooling reaction of gases to expansion and compression. -
J.J. Thomson
Born in Cheetham, England, and discovered particles that made up gases were universal. He was a English physicists. -
Max Planck
He lived in Kiel, Germany, he contributed significantly to the understanding of atomic and subatomic processes, he establish his theory of energy radiation in packets called quanta consisted
of a set of oscillators and spectroscope to measure the wavelength. -
Marie Curie
She lived in Warsaw, Poland, she said that radioactivity does not depend on how atoms are arranged into molecules, she figured this out by grinding pitchblend in a mortal and pestle. -
Robert Millikan
Born in Morrison, Illinois, and determined the size of the charge of an electron. He did an experiment over this called the Oil Drop Experiment. -
Ernest Rutherford
He lived in Cambridge, England, he proposed that atoms have a small charged nucleus surrounded by largely empty
space, and are circled by tiny electron he discovered this by doing the gold foil experiment. -
Albert Einstein
Born in Ulm, Germany, and discovered the basis for the release of atomic energy. Did calculates on how the movement of molecules in a liquid can cause the Brownian motion. He did not speak until the age of three. -
Niels Bohr
He lived in Copenhagen, Denmark, he discovered that electrons should move around the nucleus but only in prescribed orbits he proved this by showing the wave-lengths in the UV spectrum of hydrogen correspond to
transitions from one of the higher energy orbits into the n = 1 orbit. -
Erwin Schrodinger
He lived in Vienna, Austria, he used mathematical equations to describe the likelihood of finding an electron in a certain position, he proved this by using a cat is in a box with a source of poison gas that would be triggered (or not) by the
decay of one electron in one direction or another. -
James Chadwick
Born in Manchester, United Kingdom, and discovered the neutron. He was Knighted by the Crown of England in 1945, making him Sir James Chadwick. -
Louis De Broglie
Born in Dieppe, France, and predicted the wave nature of electrons. He was born into a noble family and awarded the Nobel Prize for Physic in 1929. -
Werner Heisenberg
Born in Wurzburg, Germany, and developed new theories in quantum mechanics about the behavior of electrons. He was 1 of the most important figures in the development of quantum mechanics.