History of the atom

  • Dalton Atomic theroy

    Dalton Atomic theroy
    First reading of Daltons theroy that said that atoms exist and are teh basic blocks of a compond. That the elements are made of identical atoms. and that compounds are made from multiple elements
  • Thompson Atomic theroy Plum pudding

    Thompson Atomic theroy Plum pudding
    JJ thompson thoght that there were negatives electron particlues in a cloud of positive charges. He thought it was like a christmas pudding where the berrys are evenly spread out in a batter of positvie charges.
  • Ruthford Atomic Model

    Ruthford Atomic Model
    ruthford came up with the plantery model that says the lectron orbit around the nuclues like the planets around the sun
  • Bohrs Atomic model

    Bohrs Atomic model
    Bohr took tohompson idea and added the idea that the electrons were in specific orbits or energy levels. That in the first level there would be 2 elelctrons then the next 6. This works well with the peridic table
  • Schrödinger atomic model

    Schrödinger  atomic model
    he thinks tha electrons are in clouds and the best we can do is to guess what part of the cloud they are in. We can give the odds of finding an elelctron but not an electron
  • Walter everly creates perfect timeline

    Walter everly creates perfect timeline
    time line made of atomic models