Democritius's atomic theory was that atoms were very small, always moving, are invisable and differ in shape and that there are infinite amounts of them. -
Antione Lavoiser
Lavoiser discovered that in a chemical reaction the mass stays the same. It is nither destroyed or is more mass created. -
John Dalton
John Dalton discovered that elements are composed of tiny particles called atoms. He stated that all atoms that make up an a specific element have the same mass. No two atoms have the same mass unless they are from the same element. -
Henri Becquerel
Along with the Curies, Henri Becquerel discovered radioactivity. He was studying the effects of light on Uranium salts when he came to the conclusion that was very different than x-rays. It was then he discovered Radio activity. -
Marie and Pierre Curie
The Curies are best know for their discovery of radioactivity in atoms. They configured that when split atoms relase an enormous amountof energy. They also discovered the new element Polonium. -
Louis Debroglie
Debroglie discovered that electrons move in waves. His ideas shaped the theory known as the Wave Mechanics Theory. -
JJ Thomson
JJ Thomsons atomic theory was called the plum pudding model. It stated that no matter where the matter casme from it contained particles that are smaller and the same as the matter that the atoms are from -
Aristotle did not believe in atomic theory. He beileved that fire, water, air, and earth made up all substances. At the time most people believed him to be correct, his theories and teaching are not present in any of today's concept of the atom.