Atoms are discovered for the first time ever
Democritus said that matter was formed of small pieces that could not be made into anything smaller, also he said that atoms were uncuttable because they were the smallest pieces. -
Period: 430 to
Timeline of the Atom
The idea of atoms started to form
The idea of atoms began to form again around the 1600s -
Electrons are created
JJ Thomas found that atoms have negative charged particles inside them that are called electrons. His model looked like a sphere that was filled with tons of different negative charges and positivly charged matter. -
Ernest rutherford.
Ernest rutherford found evidence that challenged thomson's Model. This model said that there was a nucleas in the middle of the atom that electrons revolved around a nucleus. -
Niels Bohr revises atomic model again.
One of Rutherford's students nials Bohr (a Danish scientist) revises the atomic once again. The model looked like planets revolvong around a sun. -
The atomic model changes AGAIN
The atomic model changes again scientist determine that electrons do not orbit the nuecleus like planets, as spore suggested. -
Quantom mechanical model is made by Schrodinger.
Erwin Schrodinger, an Austrian physicist, took the Bohr atom model one step further. Schrödinger used mathematical equations to describe the likelihood of finding an electron in a certain position. -
James Chadwick discovers the neutron.
James chadwick an english scientist discovered a particle inside of the atom that is called the neutron.