Democritus (460bc-370bc) thought to be born in 460Bc was a founder of the atom with the help of Leucippus. A simple idea of how he had thought to of found this is… he collected a beach shell and cut it in half, he then cut a half in half and repeated. He got to a piece that was impossible to break he could cut it, this was the atom the smallest piece of everything. Without the work of Democritus our science today would be a lot further behind where we are, he made an amazing discovery. -
John Dalton
John was born in 1766 and died in 1844. He lived and worked in England. John was very interested in meteorology for a long period of time. This is what led him to atomism.While studying John found and discovered colour blindness, which, he was later diagnosed with. He also discovered that all Elements are made up of atoms, and all atoms in an element are identical, all elements are different (mass playing a major role in this), a compound is made by elements bonding together, once bonded it is -
J.J Thomson
He was born in 1856 and died in 1940. Joseph John’s research started in 1897, joseph discovered the electron, he was studying the nature of electric discharge in a high-vacuum cathode-ray tube, when he came across deflection of rays by electrically charged plates and magnets, this was evidence that there are builds smaller then atoms (this gave a better understanding of what is in an atom) and they have a very large charge to mass ratio. He later estimated the amount of charge itself. He discov -
max planks
Max was born on april 23 1858 and died on October 4 1947.Max measured the wave length and found the oscillating atom absorbs and emits energy only in distinct groups, these were called quanta. -
Marie Curie
Marie curie was born on November 7 1867, she died on July 4 1934. Marie married a German physicist who was the founder of a ray know now as the x ray, it is able to take photos through human flesh to the bones.Later in 1898 Marie and her husband made a discovery 2 element made from different atoms, these were called polonium. On the 26th of December 1898 she released the name of another element called radium, this is the Latin word for ray. -
Rutherford was born 30 august 1871 and died, 19 October 1937. He proved Thomson’s plum pudding theory wrong, he tested the theory and found it to be wrong. He found:Nucleus of an atom is made up of protons and neutronsProtons carry a positive electric chargeNeutrons are neutral, they have no electric chargeElectrons move around in the space outside the nucleus.Electrons the a negative electric charge.The mass of an atom is almost entirely due to the nucleus. -
Erwin Schrodinger
Erwin was born 12 August 1876 and died on 4th January 1961His main events started in….. and finished in….Erwin discovered during his research that an atom could be both in a decayed state and in a non-decayed state. He discovered this while experimenting on a cat, his experiment involved, a cat locking in a box with a radioactive atom that is connected to a vial holding a deadly poison. If the atom corroded it would cause the vial to break and the cat to die. We the box closed you could not te -
Lise Meitner
Lise Meither was born on November 7 1878 and died on the 27 october 1968. During her research she had a partner named otto Hahn, they worked together very well. Together they discovered nuclear fission. Nuclear fission is the reason we are able to use power and have power plants. With out nuclear fisson we would not have electricity.Nuclear fission is the presses of splitting atoms. -
Neil Bohr
Bohr was born and died in …. He began his research on atoms in 1913, he gathered Rutherford’s theory and studied it deeper. His research achieved great results; he found a deeper understanding on the structure of the atom. He found out that the nucleus (protons and neutrons) are in the middle and there are shells on the outside with the electrons sitting on those shells. He also discovered the certain amounts and limits of electrons which can be in each shell. His theory has shown a picture of -
Henry Moseley
Herny Moseley was born on November 23, 1887 and died august 10, 1915. Henry was the first to explain the atomic number. He found this while studying the x-ray spectra of chemical elements. The finding of atomic numbers helped the way we see the periodic table and the way we see thing today. The atomic number is the exact number of positive charges or protons in an atom. -
James chadwick
born October 20 1891 died, July 24 1974 In 1932 James Chadwick took part in experiments that changed science for the better. He found out that neutrons were also part of the atom, at first it was believed that only protons and electrons were part of the atom. He discovered this in an experiment that involved shooting alpha particle towards beryllium after being shot at that they became neutrons, after the neutrons fell in the paraffin wax the neutrons formed into protons. -
Louis Broglie
Louis was born on ausgust 15 1892 and died march 19 1987, he was 95 years old. Louis trusted that electrons can be both like particle and waves. He also stated waves who are made by electrons held in the orbit around the nucleus, set up a standing wave of a certain energy frequency and wave length. He found that electrons act like waves which explains a few things unexplained in the past. -
Werner Heisenburg
Werner Heisenburg was born on 5th December 1901, he died February 1 1976, he died of cancer.He found that electrons don’t travel in a set orbit around the nucleus, it changes all the time due to photons found in the electron. This was called the uncertainty principle. Werner helped discover a deeper understanding of the atom and electrons. -
Murray Gell-Mann
Murry was born on the 15th September 1929 and is currently still living. Murry discovered a thing called a quark, a quark is located in the protons and neutrons of an atom. In a proton there are 2 up quarks and 1 down quark. In a neutron there are 2 down quarks and 1 up quark.The quarks give the charges to the protons and neutrons which make the nucleus. Every proton or neutron is made up of 3 quarks. -
Aristotle was born in 384bc and died in 322bc.He never believed in the atomic theory, he was actually completely against it with his own theory of what things are made from. He believed everything on earth is made from the elements Earth, Fire, Water and air. For a huge amount of time most people believed this theory over Democritus theory, this was until Aristotle was proved wrong and he plays no role in how we see the atom in modern days.