Period: to
Antiwar Movement
Students for a Democratic Society is formed
Founded by Tom Hayden and Al Haber. Protested the Vietnam War, and many other issues. -
Free Speech Movement made at University of California
Led by Mario Savio, one of the protesting groups of the Vietnam War. -
SDS, April D.C. March
Consisted of 20,000 protesters. -
SDS, November, D.C. March
Another SDS march consisting of 30,000+ protesters -
Central Park protest
In the spring of '67, nearly 500,000 protesters gathered in Central Park. -
Lincoln Memorial Demonstration
Drew about 75,000 protesters, 30,000 of them later locked arms and marched on the Pentagon. 1,500 were injured while at Pentagon, 700 arrested. -
Tet Offensive
The North Vietnamese suprise attacked the South invading territory deep in enemy territory, such as the capitol Saigon. This changed many people view of the war. -
Invasion of Cambodia
U.S. troops invaded Cambodia to clear out North Vietnamese and Vietcong supply centers. Caused a burst of protests from college students, 1.5 million students shut down 1,200 colleges. -
Kent State shootings
Protester at Kent State University were fired upon by the National Guard, killing 4. -
Nixon phased out Draft
Nixon phases out draft in early 70s because of draft resistance. -
Pentagon Papers released
Papers that entailed the governments plans for the Vietnam War. -
Last troops leave Vietnam
For America, the Vietnam War ended that day.