Electrical Telephone
Alexander Graham Bell patents the first electrial telephone. -
The first telephone answering machines are invented. -
Trans-Atlantic Signal
Guglielmo Marconi manages to transmit the first radio signal across the Atlantic Ocean. -
Television Broadcast
The first television broadcast occurs in Britain, due to the Scottish inventor John Logie Baird. -
The first FM radio broadcast occurs. -
First Cell phone
The first cell phone, the Motorola Dyna-Tac, is invented. -
American government releases control of the internet and the World Wide Web is created. -
Instant Messaging
Aol introduces the first internet chat in the form of AIM (Aol instant messanger). -
Three former PayPayl employees create YouTube, which quickly became the world's most popular video-sharing site. -
Next Generation Cell Phone
The first new generation mobile phone is created. This phone can be configured to serve as a wallet, with direct access to the user's bank accounts and credit cards, as well as a personal identification document (ID, Driver's license). It can also be used to activate cars compatible with it, effectively serving as a car key as well.